Chapter 14:Acceptance

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Orochimaru run away and the hokage was alive. The village wasn't destroyed, but the council wasn't satisfied with that.

Right now, Kumagawa was with the sand siblings in front of angry old people. There was also Hiruzen, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

Council member 1:This is a sacrilege!

Council member 2:They plotted agains Konoha!

Kumagawa:[To be fair, that was Orochimaru-chan. They were more of pawns in this.]

Kankuro:Why is the psycho kid on our side?

Temari:Gaara and him became friends.

Kankuro:...Seems fair.

Council member 3:Silence demom! We don't care about your words!

The other council members began to shoot at him. He gained a smirk, which made the council members to shut up and flinch.

Kumagawa:[Oh, really Tanaka-chan? Maybe your wife would like to hear about your sleeping habits.]

All the council members widened their eyes and looked at the unfaitful man in shock. Temari looked at him in disgust, as did all the other woman present.

Gaara had a deadpan and Kankuro looked ready to vomite. Hiruzen just sighed, he was really done with this shit.

Kumagawa:[Seriously, at your age. As a pathological liar, I need to inform you that they were lying about your performance.]

Tanaka:But they said I was still in force!

Kumagawa:[It must be sad to live with such delusions. And how did you call me? Demon? They said demon, right?]

Gaara:I think they did.

Kankuro:That's how it sounded to me.

Temari:Heard them loud and clear.

Hiruzen smirked, he knew where there was going. After all the paperwork he endured, those foolish council members will know the consequences of entering and argument with the smiling shinobi. Karma did exist!

Kumagawa:[It's like your saying I have the nine tailed fox in me, isn't it? Ut was a law about it, right? What was the punishment for saying that again? It was something with E.]

The council members gulped, hands around their throats. They could already feel their heads rolling.

Kumagawa:[Of course, that is if this discussion ever happened. Maybe you let the sand siblings go, figuring there's no need to keep them. But I wonder, how much does this forgetabble memory cost?]

The council members looked down with pure despair. Aside from from nullifying their decison and humilating them in front of the hokage, he was also gonna leave them in provety. The bastard.

It was already night. Nienami was waiting outside the hokage resindence where the meeting was beind hold. Kumagawa came outside with the sand siblings.

Kankuro:I don't even care about my limbs bleeding anymore. You're pretty cool, smiles!

Kumagawa:[See ya!]

The siblings made their departure. Nienami came to Kumagawa in a way that all that was missing was a bread in her mount.

Nienami:Senpai! How did it go?

Kumagawa:[Pretty good. I conned the council.]

Nienami:That's so cool! I only managed to steal Scummy-sensei's wallet.

Kumagawa:[So we have plenty of money. Let's find Sasuke-chan and have a team feast for a good work.]

Nienami:That sounds good! I wsnt some karaage.

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