Chapter 17:If you wanna meet, get your money ready

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After knocking out Tsunade the three, together with Shizune, began walking back to Konoha. Jiraiya decided to pose a question, being curious about something in particular.

Jiraiya:Now that this is over with...I was wondering, what Hokage do you prefer?


Kumagawa:[That's a sudden question.]

Jiraiya:Well, it came to me thinking about how we're bringing the next Hokage. The Kages are their villages's strongest and most respected shinobis. It's not strange for children to be a big fan of one of the Kages of their own village.

Nienami:Well, I'm not so interesed in such things. If I had something to be interesed in in corelation to the shinobi villages, that would be....The Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.

Jiraiya:Oho? It rare for a genin to be so interesed about something of another village so much, but...Yes, I think ot makes sense. You're a very talented Kenjutsu user, after all. I see why you'd have an interest in them.

Nienami:Yeah. You see, we actually meet two of them already. Momochi Zabuza and Hoshigake Kisame.

Jiraiya:Oh? Really? It is a strange occurence, most wouldn't meet even one through their entire lives. The number that would meet them and leave alive is even smaller. You sure are some incredible kids. If I'm nkt wrong, both of them are missing nins.

Nienami:Yeah, well, to be more exact...It's not the weilders that interes me, but the swords themselves.


Nienami:As I thought, they're really abnormal swords.

Beside her Kumagawa snickered at her inside joke, her eyes moving on him with a smirk on her lips. Behind them Jiraiya was just confused.

Nienami:One could repair itself by absorbing blood and the other seemed to be alive, I can only image what the other five are like. You see, coincidentally the swordstyle I use actually has a technique that let's me weild seven swords at once. If I can get my hands on all seven... I'm sure there'd be some interesting combinations.

Jiraiya:...You're a scary kid. How about you, Naruto?

Kumagawa:[Well, it's neither fanboying nor admiration, but there's an Hokage I find interesting.]

Jiraiya:The Fourth?

It would make sense, Minato was the most recent and the tales of his exploits in the last war are still a hot topic as well as being the one to save the village from the Nine Tails. The fact that he's his son would only to that.

Kumagawa:[No, it's the Second.]

Jiraiya:Ah...You mean Senju Tobirama-sama, correct?

Kumagawa:[Yeah, the rest were very respected for their exploits in wars and that's pretty good. But the Second had much more in actully administrating the village. Apparently, he was the one coming with the Academy system and invented a large portion of Jutsus. Although there were boring people that classified his Jutsus forbbiden. He actually made the Jutsu Orochimaru-chan uses to bring the dead, but with explosives tags.]

Nienami:Ah, that's smart.

Jiraiya:I see, it's certainly someone worth looking up to. He was my sensei's sensei.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, but I found out that the First actually wanted to give the Tailed Beasts away for free. The Second knocked some sense into him. Others might have brought protection, but the Second also brought the bread.]

They were quite close to the village by this point. An fortunate thing, as Tsunade, who was carried on Jiraiya's back, woke up after Kumagawa's words.

Tsunade:Did someone say money!?

Jiraiya:Of course that's what'd wake you up...

Kumagawa:[Well, we already arrived. Struggling at this point would really be just a childish tantrum.]

Tsunade:Ugh, guess there's no way I can dodge it at this point. Wait, the Hokage does get a big pay because of the position. That means...I can finally get rid of my debts!


Tsunade:Yosh, it's decided! Take me to the old man! I want my first salary!

Kumagawa:[Ah, there's something else I'd like you to do before.]

Tsunade:Huh? What is it?

Kumagawa:[You see, there's this guy that got really injured in the Chunnin Exams. I was woundering if you could have a look at him.]

Tsunade:Weird, you really don't seem like the type that'd do something like that. He's your friend or something?

Kumagawa:[Ah, not really. My friend is actually the one who beat him up. But you see, he's got this loud sensei that came crying to me when he found out why I was leaving and cried, praying to me to get you to help his student. Crying adults are usually funny, but this one is just annoying.]

Well, he could use All Fiction to undo Lee's damage. However, he wasn't really close to the Taijutsu expert.

That and he was still a bit salty over their first meeting. Dealing with things the usual way someone would seem more like Lee's thing, rather than using cheats.

Tsunade:Ah, now that I can believe. Well, I guess so much time there's not much about blood I should be fine...

Kumagawa:[Well, that's an annoyance less for me. Hm, than I can leave now.]

Nienami:Eh? Senpai, aren't you gonna come to bully Erokage a bit?

Kumagawa:[That'd be nice, but I do have an prior engaement I have to get to.]

That night the pot was mich used at Ichiraku Ramen. Another bowl was devoured by Kumagawa, with Iruka on his right still at his first bowl.

Iruka:I'm happy we got to meet up again like this.

Kumagawa:[Me too. There's no way I was gonna refuse your invitation.]

Iruka:...Because I said I'd pay for your food, right?

Kumagawa:[We truly have a long relationship, don't we? See how you get me.]

Iruka:I really wish I could say I wasn't expecting that to be the reason...Well, you really seem to be enjoying yourself lately.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, my team is pretty fun. Sasuke-chan already goes through a lot of character development, it was an interesting arc.]

Iruka:I have no idea what you're talking about, but I guess things are fine if you have fun. Naruto... Things are pretty hard for the Leaf right now. We lost a lot of shinobis on the attack. We have more requests than men right now.

Kumagawa:[It's not like the Leaf can take a break either. Keeping a political position is harder than aquiring it. After having this place in the balance between nations. Turning down them now it's just telling people how affected we are and you can't really expect villages of trained killers to be symphatetic.]

Iruka:Yeah, it's a hard time. You have that headband now.

He pointed at Kumagawa's wrist where he kept his Leaf headband. He doesn't want to keep it on his head because it contradics his hairstyle.

Although it's called a headband, it's not strange for shinobis to keep it in other places. He choose his wrist because it'd add to the effect when he stabs someone with his screws.

By the way, Nienami wears hers around her neck. Sasuke is the only traditional one out of the team.

Iruka:You should work hard for the village as well!

Kumagawa:[If I'm in the mood.]

Iruka:I know this is the best I'm gonna get from you.

Kumagawa:[Hey, don't you think this is funny? This must be how the Sand felt. A hopeless situation, only that we have too much requests while their Dainmyou just took their budget and went for cheaper prices to Konoha. Yet the paraller is clear. What a beatiful friendship we crafted now!]

Iruka:Such a twisted way to see it, I never ca say whenever you see the empty or full half of the glass. You really haven't cganged at all...Heh, I guess that's fine.

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