Chapter 12:Fate's screwing

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The first rounds went fairly well. Not many have died. Really the most important things were Neji practicaly bullying Hinata in their match and Gaara breaking Lee's body in theirs.

After finishing that particular match, Gaara gave a mad grin to Kumagawa. The minus responded equally, for which Nienami put a hand over her mount.

Nienami:Awww, they're getting along.

The semifinals were gonna get held in a few days. Kakashi geot the team toghether.

Kakashi:Alright, I'm gonna train Sasuke for these few days. You two really don't need it. Sakura can pretty much fight with all the seven swordsman of tje mist by this point. And if I apoint any teacher to Naruto, all I'm gonna get is a hospital bill.

So, the two reincarnations made their own things in the meantime. Kumagawa decided to walk around town.

He saw a man with binocular on a rooftop. The perverted sanin Jiraiya was at it again.

He had a big blush on his face as he stared at the woman's bath

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He had a big blush on his face as he stared at the woman's bath. Kumagawa appeared next to him.

Kumagawa:[Do you get a good view.]

Jiraiya:Yeah, it's quiet-ahhh!

Jiraiya jumped back in shock at someone appearing next to him. That made him fall from the rooftop to the ground.

Kumagawa:[You look to be in pain.]

Jiraiya:Of course! I just fell from a rooftop!

Kumagawa:[Pffft, old people!]

Jiraiya grew red in anger. Kumagawa paid it no mind.

Kumagawa:[Anyway, do you have some good jutsus, old man?]

Jiraiya:Why should I tell you!?

Kumagawa:[Well, I'm in the chuunin exams. And I'm gonna fight a Hyuuga.]

Jiraiya:...Shit, you've got plenty in your plate. In that case, watch this.

Chakra began to rotate in the sanin's hand. It finnaly became a ball of constantly spining chakra.

Jiraiya:This is the rasengan. It's an S-class ninjutsu made by the fourth hokage. Well, it might take you a lot of time to get the hang of it.

Jiraiya turned to Kumagawa with smug look, but widened his eyes when he saw the minus already having made a rasengan. The jutsu was really powerful, but the downside was that you can't lauch it.

Kumagawa:[What if I put a lot of wind chakra.]

He directioned the chakra into it at a log. As soon as it the log winds began to be sucked by it. Finaly the log exploded in pieces, forming a crayer abd a mini shockwave.


Kumagawa:[There's also that.]

Chackra acumulated in his hand. It was like the rasengan, put the chakra lines were moving wildly.

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