-Random Story-

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(1) Izuku: *walking down the stairs in his middle school, scribbling in his notebook about (what you think)*

(2) Izuku: *exited the Corp building to find his husbando*

(3) : *was in a room playing with his All Might figure*

Real (original) Izuku: *is just in his room doing his homework*

(1,2,3) Izuku's: *just doing their own thing, while the other 2 entered the house without a second glance* (A/N: WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?!)

REAL (original) Inko: *standing in the kitchen, stunned and confused* "Why is there so many Izuku's???!"

Inko: "Uhm, hello miss. Sorry to bother you, but do you know where my son is?"

Real Inko: "No, do YOU know where my REAL son is??"

Inko: "In his room. Of course. Now have you seen my son? He is the one wearing a pink apron. Seen him?" (Trying to hide their secret)

Real Inko: "Uhm, I didn't take a second look, but there are 3 different Izukus in this house right now. All of them separated. Don't know where. Maybe you can go find him."

Villain Waifu Deku's Inko: "Ah, thanks. I shall use my guts to find him. Easy peasy."

*VWD's Mom left the kitchen*

*another Inko rushed in*

Another Inko: "Have you seen my son anywhere, miss? I didn't see him come to our house after his school ended, and I... *rambles on about the other Izuku*"

Real Inko: JESUS, HOW MANY OF IZUKU'S AND ME ARE THERE??! "Another mother of her AU went looking in the household. You should find yours, too."

Also real Inko: "By the way, why do you look... uhm, younger?"

Past Izuku's Inko: "I may be the Past AU. My son is in middle school age. Anyways, thanks! I shall find my son!"

*Past Izuku's Mom left the kitchen*

*Another Inko rushed in*

Real Inko: OMFG- "Hello, are you looking for your son? He's in the household."

Inko: "I'm looking for my little kid! Have you seen him around the neighborhood? Or is he here, like what other people around the house claimed to say?"

Real Inko: *points to the rooms past the kitchen*

Child Deku's Inko: Thank you! Sorry I bothered you! *leaves the kitchen and searches*

Real Inko: Something's going to happen, definitely... just a bit later.

L A T E R (portals are the door, they just have to go through it like ghosts. UwU)

*Real Inko hears rushed footsteps and turns around to see the AUs*

*VWD's Inko and Izuku Bakugo left the house, talking as they entered the same orange portal*

*VW Izuku was confused on how he got in another AU's house*: I am confusion-

2 seconds later:

*Past Deku's Inko was holding onto PD's hand as they quickly rushed to the portal*

Past Izuku: How did I get here? I MUST TAKE NOTES QUICKLY!! This is amazingly weird! *scribbles some more as the AU left*

1 minute later:

*The Child Deku's Inko carries little Izuku to the door, with a bit of speed, with the child Izuku hugging his AU's mom, holding the figure*

Child Deku's Inko: "Thank you, again! Great knowing you!"

*the AU left.*

Real Izuku: What happened, Mom? Did something happen? *was entering the kitchen to see his mom*

Real Inko: "I think I might need sleep this time- I hope I wasn't hearing OR seeing our AUs..."

Real Izuku: "I'm not surprised. Totally. Anyways, what's for dinner?"

Real Inko later: *dramatically dies inside*

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