-Ghost Deku AU-

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Another short chapter! I'm running low on these AUs, huh... yup second update within the first day of September of Corona Virus Death History. And I AM NOT ENJOYING SCHOOL AT HOME. I enjoy quarantine doing stories. Not school, I prefer doing it in person.

"So it's Ghost Deku," I said finally. 

"Ghost Deku?!" Hakagure cried out. "Where is he?"

"I'm in front of the portal."

"Well, I forgot they can't see you."

"Then make them see me, b*tch," Ghost Deku whispered to me. 

"WEll ExcUsE mE dUdE!" I defended in shock, sarcastically.

I snapped my fingers and everyone finally got to see the Dekuverse. After inspecting him for another minute,  one finally got to answer the complicated question.

"How did you die?" 

Silence filled the room, and you could just hear a pin drop. 

"Many ways..." he said. "One ghost me jumped off a roof, one ghost me was murdered, one ghost me died automatically, one ghost me died of sickness... one ghost me would die in many ways in different ghost AUs."

"So," he continued. "How did I die...?"

The class stayed silent, they were shock by that much ghost Dekuverses, but they also couldn't answer the question that one had thrown at the ghost, who decides to throw it back to them. 

"Should I go?" Ghost Deku asked me. I shrugged, unable to know if he should leave.

"Wait," Todoroki said, making Ghost Deku stop. "What about your family?"

"Do I need to say that I only live with my mum?" He said. "She is either, missing, dead, or is not  a family of mine anymore."

Then he turned to me, before he bowed down to me. 


"Thanks for the meeting. I really wanted to see a UA student in person."

"Hey, problemo child," Aizawa said. "Do you someone or something you treasure for?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just asking."


"... you answering?"

"That depends. Sometimes I treasure D E A T H."

And is soon gone into the grey portal. And the grey portal is soon gone too.

"Next?" I asked, and to be honest, I don't know who's next on the list. 

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