-Villain WAIFU Deku AU-

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I snapped my fingers and everyone soon snapped their eyes wide open.

"WE'RE AWAKE!" Most of the class yellowed out.

"Chill, you are gonna meet the 2nd AU, and don't try to tick this one off..." I plopped onto the floor on my butt, sighing. 

"MY BALLS ARE BURNT!!!" Mineta shrieked as he tried to feel his balls. The girls almost began to laugh at Mineta, and that made him cry inside of his perv soul. 'Women don't like me, they hide their true sides...'

Suddenly an ADORABLE waifu guy had been thrown through the portal and landed on the ground a few inches in front of the portal. "Oooooooooww..." He got up and everyone in the theater realized he was wearing a pink apron while wearing a sleeved shirt and some shorts. As he scanned the theater before panicking, he saw (the original) Katsuki Bakugo and lunged at him, starting the dandelion head.

"WOAH WTF WHO ARE YOU I'M NOT A KITTY TOY!" Katsuki shrieked as he quickly scrambled out of his seat, trying not to fall, buuuuuuuuuut... he ended up falling down 3 rows of the theater seats. "Watch it, stupid nerd!"

"Oh, sorry!" the Deku mumbled as he landed on Katsuki's seat. "Are you *gasp*"

'Great, I'm next, am I?'

"Hey Shoto!" the Deku greeted with a wave, and the halfie sighed in relief. "You're not that scary in my world... he is basically trying to get me to do some paperwork."

'Snore' A gentle but loud snore erupted from the original Deku's mouth as he sleeps in his chair.

Shoto_Todoroki.exe is dizzy right now

*glitch screen*

"Alright! Introduce yourself!" I said, and the waifu jumped up. I snapped my fingers and he ended up being beside me, just as V.D had been. 

(V.D is short for Villain Deku, in this case.)

"Hi!" the waifu said with another wave. "I am Izuku BAKUGO and I have 2 quirks!" The waifu brought out his pan, and I almost thought: 'didn't I already got the pan from Mineta's balls?'

He scissor-closed his index and middle finger and those two fingers began to glow a teal-like color. The pan also glowed a teal-like color as it levitated beside the waifu. 

"This is my quirk that is shown in my Corp. You know, some of you..." the waifu shrugged. "I am a villain, a citizen, and a housewife... that do most chores."

"Most?" Asui asked. "What does that mean, is someone else usually doing the rest?"

"Ah, yes, Shoto in my world usually does them when I am out for missions. As I was saying... we adopted a LITTLE CUTE DOGGO!" 

"Eh?" now the class was confused. 

"Me and Kat adopted a doggo! He's really cute if you met him in my world."

"Hey," Ojiro finally said. "What's your second quirk?"

"SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW AND FIGURE." the waifu said. He deactivated his quirk and the pan fell with a loud ear-breaking 'CLANG!!!!!!!!!'

'Painful sound oooooooooowwwwww...' the class covered their ears to try to fix their hearing without the sound ringing in their ears. 

"Some of you all are in my corp, I must say. Even that 'NOMU'." The waifu transformed in his villain clothes and pointed at the grapist, who began to freak out when he heard he was in the corp, sliding the 'Nomu' past him. 

"Do I get to meet ladies?!" He asked as he drooled. I muted him completely before the waifu answered.

"I don't know why, but I was dressed up as a lady to test you. And the experiment worked! You have the 'RSPCT WMN'."

"What?" The class asked, except for Mineta and me, of course. 

"In translation, I took out the vowels, so... it's basically... 'RESPECT WOMEN.'" I explained, and I unmuted Mineta, who slumped headfirst in his seat, upset that his Mineta in the waifu's world is not the same as he is. 

"The people in my Corp is basically powerful than ANY other villain and groups!" VWD (Villain Waifu Deku) cackled before he returned to normal. "Although we still pretend to be heroes while keeping out secret."

"Anything else?" Mina asked excitedly. VWD sighed. 

"Well... my mom is part of the Corp, even the pro hero you might know who is the Symbol of Peace... and 2 League of Villains who joined 'by accident'."

"2?!" The class erupted. "Who?"

'You all rhymed right there...' I thought, trying not to snort.

"Shig, and Toga. And also... these crystals are made by a special someone in your class..." *wiggled his eyebrow at the creati* "but the power was by Hatsume, too!" 

"Ooooohh...." Uraraka cooed, loving the teal crystal that was glowing in the dark of the theater. 

"And my other quirk prevents me from being drunk." 



"Chill, Sonic!" VWD waved it off like it was a fly coming at him. "I said my second quirk prevents me from getting drunk! And the wine is very good!"

"Although I don't think the Shoto in my world takes it in, or anyone!" The waifu looked at the halfie while he mouthed: 'you only took 1 sip of wine and you already almost fainted'

'Never copying you if I was anybody in your world' he mouthed back.

"Also," the waifu pointed at me, and everyone looked at me. "Give me back my items! I need to use them for dinner!"

"Sorry, but the items you had..." I looked everywhere, desperately looking for the pan. "-a pan bonked his head and got stuck, and the fork pierced through his balls, so I had to clean them, so you won't actually scream out:  'THE PERV GERMS IS ON THE ITEMS, THROW IT AWAY!' 


"Fine," I snapped my fingers and the cleaned objects appeared in VWD's hands. "Thank you," he thanked while he said it like he was angry. "KACCHAN! I'M BACK!"

And he immediately left. Everyone (including me) forgot about the orange portal. 

"Well, that's quite a meeting. Who's next?" Momo asked me. 

"Well, have any of you been to the school library before I grabbed ya?" I asked. 

"No." Was all the alive Class 1A.

"Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki had (kero)" Tsu answered.

"Yeah, but we were helping with the books," Both Iida and Todoroki said, doing the surrender hands while the other was airchoppping. 

"So what about Mido-"

'Snore' Midoriya snore came by as the theater was silent again. 


"Imma check out green bean." 

"But Midoriya isn't a food," Denki pointed out. 


I looked around our bean and his bag was besides him. I actually grabbed it and zipped it open.

"COOKIE THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES TO RUMMAGE THROUGH PEOPLE'S BACKPACKS!" Iida yelled as he still air-chopped his arms.

"Ah, this is the book!" I said cheerfully as I brought out a book. 

"Why would you need a book?" Hakagure asked.

"You'll see soon," I said, not answering her question fully. 

The class looked at each other confused. Todoroki doesn't seem surprised. 

(Ahem, go check out the TodoDeku fan fiction if possible, where he and Izuku had met Villain Deku the first time)

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