-Fantasy Deku AU-

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Note: I don't know a lot on the Fantasy AU, but I'll try to list many as possible... 

I opened the book and nothing happened. Do I need the original Deku to activate it? First things first! Try out a few ideas.

I tried using my 'quirkless but magic', but it didn't work and ended up making the book bounce up and down, air and ground and air and repeating, kinda folding up a few pages. 

1st Idea: FAILED.

I put Deku's hand on the opened book on a random page. Nothing happened. I used both his hands on the book. Still, nothing.

2nd Idea: FAILED.

"Is it going to work if he WOKE up?" Tokoyami asked, while his quirk was still on, so his face wasn't really revealed. 

"If he wakes up and activated the book, he'll have to sleep again," I answered while focusing on the book. HOW WILL I EVER ACTIVATE IT, OR IS DEKU THE ONLY WAY?

I sighed. I poked his cheeks and he didn't move or twitch. I looked at the class and they all aggressively shook their heads as if 'WE DON'T HAVE ANY THOUGHTS LEFT' leaving me having no choice.

"Cover your ears, and sorry." I grabbed a pan and another pan and:


I banged my pans and the bean immediately shot up awake, as the sound rang through his ears. "I'm AWAKE I AM AWAKE WHAT IS ON THE LIST TODAY WHERE AM I WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE ARE WE KIDNAPPED AND WHY ARE WE IN A THEATER WHY CAN'T OUR QUIRKS WORK-"

Soon he ended up muttering out loud. I fake coughed and Izuku stopped before looking at me. "Who are you?!"

"Apparently she is Cookie," Jiro said, answering for me before I get to do it myself. "I basically don't have my quirk, and neither does the others -except a few I can see- and we're meeting your so-called DEKUVERSES. We met only 2, so we're on the third one right now..."

"And Cookie has a problem activating a book of yours that you found in the school library," Todoroki finished. "Can you activate it somehow?"

"Uhhhhhh..." Izuku struggled to question. "-how?"

"Just put your hands on the pages, one on each side." I moved his hands and placed them on the pages. At first, nothing happened, and the class was about to sigh in defeat when Izuku practically shouted out. "Is the book working? It's glowing, apparently."

The class saw the book glow, and a bright ol' flash erupted out of the book. The class adjusted their sight in a few seconds, but me and Izuku had to adjust our eyes in a minute. 

"Oh... what is this place?" another Deku voice asked. 

"You're in a theater of modern... 'magic,'" Iida struggled to find the right words. "And it's the year of 2020 right now..."

"2020?" The Deku voice asked. "We're kinda in the fantasy so we probably don't know what year we are, because we're in a book...."

"Wait what..." the class began to say before realizing what he had said. "WAIT YOU'RE IN THE FANTASY BOOK!?"

"If I heard correctly..." the voice, which I am sure it was the original Deku, mumbled, rubbing his eyes before he can see again. "If you're in the FANTASY BOOK... and you look like me... then why was the book blank?"

"It's kinda NOT blank..." the Deku pointed out. I finally adjusted my eyes and looked at the book. So yes, the book was blank. 

Keyword: was 

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