// Among Us Round 3//

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Hey! Been a while, eh? Was it long enough to keep you waiting for the next update, or were you a bit too inpatient? Either way, I don't blame you, I was busy a lot, school, drawing some stuff... and yes, watching anime. (I tend to get distracted easily, so sorry!) Didn't gain much ideas. I'm not sure if I can continue the Deku AUs, or maybe even the book!

But hey. Every fan fiction or creation MUST have at least an ending. Unless it's a series or sequel... or whatever. Anyways, if you dislike Among Us, I'm sorry! :') It's what I can do to get the book going. Even if this is going to be the last round of it, lol. 

Enough with this hella long ✨S P E E C H✨! Let's get right into it! 

March 05, 2021... 

Cookie: I CAN'T SLEEP CAUSE OF Y'ALLLLL *wakes up everyone with trays that acts like pans*

Bakugo: The fliiiiiiiiiii...p... COOKIE-

Deku: Kacchan! 

Cookie: Well uh- you can't attack me-

Bakugo: Wha-.... not again... WE'RE BACK AT THIS 'STAP-IT' (stupid) GAME!

Todoroki: Hmm. Nice. 

Bakugo: YOU call this nice?!! What the heck happened to your brain, did it freeze your knowledge?!

Todoroki: No.

Bakugo: Ugh, you're hopeless.

Iida: This game actually makes me a bit scared- though I don't think I was killed once- 

Uraraka: Oh Iida, please don't jinx it...

Iida: I'm just saying the truth, am I?

Cookie: Uhhhhh memory has been erased. From my brain, ofc. 

Deku: So are we going to start the game-

Cookie: I just 'REMEMBEREDDDD' you got killed by Deku when you knew he was the imposter.

Iida: Ahhh yeah... you were following me around the storage, Midoriya, right?

Deku: No clue. Don't have a single memory... except when I have em.

Cookie: I'm sending Kirishima and Kaminari back... if they left a long time ago that is-

*summons them*

Player List: (HEY I NEED IT) Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida, Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Cookie (I don't want to make it cheesy, but I need about this much... so 8)

Cookie: I'm actually going to play with you guys. But this time, I'm not guiding you. Remember! You only talk when you report a dead body or called an emergency meeting. 

Kaminari: Okay.

Game Starting in 3... 2... 1... 

*the usual*

Cookie: *quickly pressed on the icon* 

Cookie: Oh phew... I thought I was going to get it- (I'm not the imposter, honest!)

Todoroki: *saw Cookie going to the left hallway (where the medbay is)* 

Todoroki: I'm going to try not to be sus, cuz since I got voted out last time.... forget about that- I'm following her anyways. 

Todoroki: *follows Cookie* (trying, though)

Cookie: *zips into the reactor*

Deku: *goes inside the reactor also*

Todoroki: Uh- *waited for either two of them or both to come out*

Bakugo: Ugh- I have to do this lousy downloading...

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