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OCTOBER 24, 2021 EDIT:

Hey hey hey! It's been a long time since I last updated this book! (Which was probably around September 2020, I forgot) 

So I see how this book still gets read by you fellow readers! I appreciate the attention on this book, but I still don't understand how you guys managed to survive this far into reading the MOST cringe and imaginative book I have ever written. 

Not trying to be rude, but unless you were aware, the characters are UNBELIEVABLY 'out-of-character' which means they are not related to the original characters canonically. (Is that even a word?) You must've either been new to this fandom or perhaps don't realize it, which I have to say, you guys must be blind...

Rudeness aside, I am currently working on a new book! I'm trying my best to be 'not so imaginative' with it, but as I reread the book, I realized I was getting imaginative with the plot. AGAIN.

Honestly, whenever I read fan fictions that are unrelated to the fandom and is cringe (for example under this paragraph) I leave the book to find another one, which I have a lack of finding them in my search bar.


- You teleporting them where you wish you want them to go (me, check)

- You are a part of the story (me, check, although it was my ocs before I removed them outta my life)

- You making the characters so far away from their original canon selves (like for example, Mineta being a handsome, non-perverted, etc *no lie, I kinda need a BIT of Mineta's character development*) (... me... uhm... I am unsure but I probably don't need to check that)

There's a lot more I could add, but my mind is being blank in the process...


Anyways, here are some of my dislikes about fanfics and yada yada yada

- Y/N x (fandom character)

My comment: I don't want to ruin your imaginative ship, but in my opinion, that is kinda... cringe and... quote, "TINY BIT" quote,  disgusting. NOW BEFORE you go offense on me, i was only stating my opinion on that. I think 'disgusting' isn't the right word to describe it, but I don't do well with big words with deeper and advanced meanings.

- Toxic ships (fandom character x fandom character that is NOT right to ship)

My comment: Take this as a 'big impacted' toxic ship: MiNeTa x (anybody) but REALLY, some can be VERY wrong, like, WHAT- "Student x Teacher" ?! WHO ON EARTH DOES THAT?! That's REALLY- ew. Ugh, I ain't gonna continue with this shit.

- Lowercases/ no proper puntuations

My comment: I know we all aren't good writers, but the point in becoming at least a GOOD writer  is to improve in capitalization and punctuation. It's hard to read with lowercases (in my case) and sometimes you don't know where the sentence starts or ends. The person's name (noun) must be capitalized, but if you want it lowercase, that's fine. 

- A ONE LONG PARAGRAPH each chapter/ few LONG paragraphs

My comment: This is where I get annoyed at all the time. Seriously, you got an "return" or "enter" or even a "enter and then tab" keys on your device, computer, and ETC. People read long paragraphs and then they got lost in the paragraph and forgot where they left off, or maybe they get tired reading a long pargraph. 

If you did essays or experienced this, you know the pain it does to you.

- Short chapters

My comment: I know you lack writing long chapters or maybe you aren't in the mood to write, and I won't blame you for it, but sometimes try and give little more effort on writing a little longer on chapters. It makes the story at least more interesting with a lot more happening then going one part of the plot at a time.

- Emojis like (❤️💜💞❣️🍱🍺🥫🍰🍜🍪🌭🍎🥯🍊⛈🌙🌨etc)

My comment: MY OPINION! I dislike seeing emojis in the story (if it's slight, then I'm okay with it) because it kinda doesn't help the mood in the story. In the title of the chapter is fine, but give at least one or two emojis, alright? :') I SAID IT'S MY OPINION BY THE WAY SO... YEAH. 

That's all I have to say... I guess. Thanks for the appreciation, anyways! Peace! 

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