-Neko Deku AU-

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I was waiting for this AU since we met the Deaf AU, so now we are going to do this as purr fectly as we can with this AU. 

Keyword: PURRFECTLY. Get it? Purrfectly? 

I crawled to the floor and went behind the chair Deku is strapped in. He's still there. 

"What are you doing?" Ojiro asked, confused.

"Finding some snacks." I said as I went to the shadows behind the chair. I was out of sight, and I immediately said "Not for you all, you'll get a break soon."

"Then what is the snacks for?" Hakagure asked. 

"They're fish." I said. "Fish is what I need."

"Why?" The entire class asked in unison.

"Because it's for Deku. The next AU."

"What kind of AU wants to eat fish?" Uraraka asked, thinking of several animals.

"Meow..." a cat-like voice meowed. "Hello-meow!"

The class abruptly snapped their heads at the sound. It came from all the way to where Todoroki was sitting. And sure enough.

There was a green messy fur-like human cat sitting on his lap, meowing as Todoroki was startled so much his soul came out. 

(He's not that expressive, but I want to test you all out)

"AWWWW IT'S A CAT!" Mina cried out, squealing. "Is it Deku, really?"

"Yeah, he just came in from the rain." 

"Aww, poor guy!" Mina sighed sadly. 

"I'm fine," the Neko Cat AU answered as he looked at who he was sitting on. Once he saw Todoroki shocked face with the soul out, he panicked as he shook him back to reality. 

"C-c-c-cat!" Todoroki gasped in shock before he turned pink. 'He's sitting on my lap-!'

Aaaaaaaannnnnd Todoroki fainted. neko Deku examined him before knowing he was embarrassed. The human cat got off and went to greet the others with a purr, and it was basically Bakugo who is next fainted.

"So-so manly," Kirishima sniffed as he wiped away a tear. 

"Soooo kawaiiiii!" The girls squealed as they all went over to pet his hair and stroke his ears.

"C-careful!" Neko Deku squeaked. "My ears are sensitive after a minute!"

As soon as he said that, the girls stopped coming and they all fell head/back first onto the floor. 

(One second later)

The people who came to stroke his ears came to the Neko, each stroking him for 10/5 seconds. 

The girls mostly pet his hair, who purred quietly. 

 Me right now: Aww, such affection... I can imagine it right now...

"Are you cold?" Momo asked as the Neko sneezed. His nose went pink slightly. 

"Kinda..." The Neko answered. He shivered as he went to Todoroki for warmth. Todoroki was still unconscious, but the heat was there. 

"Here, take this large jacket," Momo said as I immediately unlocked her quirk. She created a big jacket, and the Neko squirmed inside it. He was soon warm and he smiled in thanks.


'Not again!!" Everyone thought as they turned away, eyes closed shut tightly. 

The brightness was gone, and everyone was just fine as they adjusted their eyes for a few seconds.

"Thank you! Meow!" Neko Deku thanked as he meowed. 

"Here take an umbrella! A pair of shoes!" Momo said as she created shoes and a closed umbrella.   

"Thank you!" He said again before hugging Todoroki. Thankful for the help, he was gone. 


He disappeared in one blink! Wtf!!!

And he hugged Todoroki. 

So sweet... *sheds a tear as I was ready for the next AU*

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