-Villain Deku AU-

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-Author-chan's POV-

The red portal just stayed there while no one came out. Everyone immediately sat down and waited while the knife that was shot out was still stuck onto the chair in front of Mineta, who was silently having a meltdown. (Be scared, dude, no one shall ever like a perv like you)

I poke my head in the portal and another knife was about to hit me. I ducked my head down and the knife went through the portal. I looked back at the theater and this time it got stuck to a wall above and behind the class. Suddenly I dodged by A DOZEN of knives that immediately shot out of the portal and they all hit each chair in the front seat. Bullseye...?

"WTF IS THIS THINGAMAJIG?!" a Deku voice yelled as his head poked in our theater this time. "And who the heck are you?!" 

"Uhm..." I hesitated to answer. 

"OMG, IS THAT VILLAIN DEKU?!" Mina shrieked as she pointed towards the 1st Dekuverse AU person. 

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, as a villain," Villain Deku replied with a confused evil look. "Wait..."

He looked at the class before realizing. "So I ENTERED A PORTAL AGAIN AND NOW I AM MEETING UA FIRST YEAR STUDENTS!!" He looked at me. "And I saw you before I entered this world... about a long time ago!"

He got out of the portal and the portal automatically closed. Dang, he's more scarier than his first visit! 

"V.D?" Shoto asked, and Villain Deku (V.D) perked up. 

"Ey, Todoroki!" He waved as he plastered a smile. Unlike this, it wasn't too bright than the original Deku. The class was silent before Iida stood up again with his hand raised. 

"Excuse me, but have you two met before?" 

"Yes," the two replied. "After uhm..."

I basically knew what they were going to say and muted Shoto and V.D before they realized the class was confused. They didn't hear what they said, rip. 


"So," I finally manage to say as I pulled out the knives that were clinging into the chairs. "This is Villain Deku! He is a villain, yes, but he wasn't during his middle school days before... that happened." I nudged him and carefully backed away before a knife is about to... you know!

"Ah yes... during my middle school days... my 3rd year in middle school... and perhaps my life... I was teased and bullied about not having a quirk. I hope Deku in your world explained who would do such thing *raises eyebrow at a certain someone*"

"Who?" Sato asked. "And didn't he have a quirk?" 

"Shouldn't you figured out who is with him through his childhood and all that?" V.D asked. 

"Wait... you're saying..." Uraraka glared at Bakugo, who saw the expression and looked away. 

"Yeah... Bakugo... it's all his fault that he told me 'take a swan dive off the roof and you'll probably get a quirk in your next life' (is that the right quote?)..."

"You actually DID it?!" The class cried out in shock. Todoroki doesn't seem shocked one bit, at least not because he heard this before.

"Yes. I survived, as you can see. The League of Villains saved me and is keeping me anyways." 


"They're villains, and I'm a villain too, what do you expect?" 

I slapped my forehead. "Do you have anything else to say?" I asked, tapping my foot. 

"Well, I did kill a pro hero you all had relied on," Villain Deku shrugged with a smug look. "All Might, wasn't it...?"

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