-Past Deku AU-

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The purple portal had sucked the Future Deku back into his own world, and then a few seconds after he was gone, the portal faded into a color of pink.

...pink... *cancer thing color intensifies*

"The portal turned pink," Aizawa said. At this moment, I didn't realize he was here. I might've added him or maybe he was here the whole time. I don't know! I thought there was ONLY Class 1A WITHOUT the teacher. Well, no time to complain.

"Hi, Aizawa! My name is CookieMilky, but you can call me Cookie for short. We are meeting the Dekuverses!" 

"And what is the Dekuverses? Why does it have my problem child in it?" 

"Uhhh... in other words, we're meeting Deku's other alternate universe people! So far we met Villain Deku, Villain Waifu Deku, Fantasy Deku, Merman Deku, Female Deku, and just now Future Deku!"

"Oh okay then. I guess nothing's going to be wrong, since you aren't a villain."

"Who are we meeting next, Cookie?" Asui asked. 

"The opposite of the Future, and it's TOTALLY not present, like right now present!"

It took a moment before Denki raised his hand.

"Is it the pastry?" He asked. Everyone slapped their foreheads (Mineta is out of the question) and looked at me.

"Close, we're meeting the past Deku. Although it's not that far from the past. It was like... last year or 2 years ago?"

As soon as Katsuki ßäkūgø {playing around with the keyboard, won't get caught! ;>} heard that, he immediately slumped down in his seat. Shoto of course saw this as he laid his eyes on him. He looked away and glanced at me. 

"Is he coming now?" he asked. I looked at the portal beside me on the right. It was still there, pink, and nothing went in it yet. I sighed and poked my head in the portal. There stood the Past Izuku Midoriya, who was muttering about the portal appearing at him. 

"Hey, come on," I said, and he snapped back in reality. "N-no! You're a villain! You can't kidnap me! You wouldn't do this to me! I need to gooo-"

I grabbed his collar of his Aldera uniform (I forgot the name but I know there is Aldera in there) and whispered: "You're meeting a few UA people you will be attending, and it's the future. It's basically a surprise if you found out yourself once this is over with."

Past Deku freaked out a little before I dragged him in the portal to mah theater. Everyone stiffened from me at first before realizing who it was. But they widen their eyes as they saw Past Deku. 

"AWWWW SO KAWAIIIIIII!" the girls gushed (Jiro thought the same, but didn't say anything about it) as they all jumped down the rows of seats to hug him, pet him, and poke his soft cheeks. Past Deku turn red as he did his flustered pose with him arms. Shoto just blushed a little as Bakugo tsked and stood from his seat.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY I CAN'T SEE SHITTY NERD!" he yelled as he gripped onto the seat in front of him. The girls paused and squeaked before they went back to their seats. The room went quiet. 

"K-k-Kacchan?" Past Deku cried out, stunned to see his FUTURE (which is the present) childhood friend in an UA uniform. "You got into UA?!" 

"Duh, Deku," he mumbled. "Look behind the portal."

The past Deku turned around and gasped as he saw future himself strapped onto a chair. He was also shocked to find out he also wore a UA uniform. "M-me in UA...? How...?"

"Let's just say we all don't know what you're talking about," Sero said quickly before Past Deku started muttering. 

"So... I got into UA... BUT I DON'T HAVE A QUIRK-"

I clamped my hand over his mouth, trying not to let Aizawa hear this, but unfortunately he heard.

"You said you were quirkless?" he asked. 

"NoHeIsNotQuirkless!" everyone shouted, trying to cover up for Past Deku.

"But I am-"

"Yes, he is quirkiness in the past. And I hate to admit it to you Aizawa... but he was given a quirk by a certain pro hero. Although in a theory, he probably had a quirk when he was born, but was taken by a parent and had also probably wiped his family's memories whenever he takes his families quirks... maybe."

"Wait, so he has more marriages?" Bakugo asked in shock. 

"Well, he had a Stop Aging quirk, so... he took quirks in a VERY past generations to whom he had kids with, but to be honest I'm not too sure."

Everyone decided not to question any further. Bakugo was too stunned. He couldn't believe Izuku's quirk was taken from him. So he did that for nothing. What a friend he is. I sighed.

"Past Deku, let's hope you can answer questions or explain anything in your life right now in your world."

"So is it true you don't have a quirk?" Aizawa asked. "If you got a quirk from a pro hero, that's chea-"

"Yes it's true." 

"You got scars. What happened?" -Iida asked. Past Deku touched the bandages on his forehead. "Nothing. Just... nothing."

Iida knew why, but he didn't press further. 

"Did you get to meet All Might in person?" -Uraraka asked.

"Uhhhhhhhh should I answer that?" Past Deku asked. I shrugged. "Maybe." he answered.

Uraraka sighed. She leaned on her seat.

The pink portal glitch screen and it shoot out white strings. It grabbed Past Deku and started to pull him in. 

"Bye, I guess!" He managed to wave bye and he was soon out. 

"I was about to ask him if he was gay." I smirked as I lenny faced at a certain someone. 

He blushed madly and broke. 

"And I think I know who we might meet next... but it's a bit disturbing... he's similar to Villain Deku."

Everyone stiffened again. They all hope he isn't too disturbing."


Take a guess. Starts with S. 

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