-Deaf Deku AU-

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Iida sat down as he slumped about failing as a class rep. Momo and Uraraka we're trying to calm him down that it's fine, while the rest just sat there, waiting for the next AU.

"Alright. So this is a WHOLE lot similar to the Blind Dekuverse. Do you know what sense this one lost?"

"This AU also lost a sense?!" Mina cried out. "Why is the AUs so sad, horrifying... and weird?!"

"Just answer the question..."

"Taste is so not one," Jiro admitted. "It's weird if you have no taste at all."

"Not sight, either," Sero added on. "We already met one with no eyesight just now."

"Feel is not one either, that makes it more weird..." Sato muttered as he continued to eat his cake he had been eating all along. He finishes it and the plate of cake disappeared.

"What about hearing?" Asui said, and all eyes darted to her. "What, I mean hearing is on the top 2 of the LOSING-SENSES podium, kero."

"And smell is totally the third on the podium," she added. "Kero."

"Actually, it's hearing. This AU had lost his hearing when he was in his 3rd year in middle school. Or maybe when he was a young quirkless child."

"I still think that giving him a quirk is cheating it's way to enter UA," Aizawa mumbled. "But he at least got control over the quirk, so I won't reprimand him." 

"He got deaf by a STARTLING LOUD sound that broke his sense to hear, so he might hear you correctly."

"It's fine if I make him a hearing aid?" Momo asked. "Oh wait, my quirk is not enabled-"

"Where am I?" A Dekuverse asked himself. Aka the Deaf Deku. He also wore a robotic cat costume, but this time, it's only a helmet with a hearing aid on each side of his ears. 

"You're in my theater where WE are meeting the Dekuverses!" I said, finally introducing one Dekuverse after being interrupted.

"Hello! I am deaf, but I can hear you all just fine." He tapped on one of his hearing aid with his finger. 


Uraraka was about to question when Deaf Deku began to talk.

"So I am deaf, like I said. I got deaf by a deafening loud sound that broke my eardrums. I freaked out and tried to find someone to help me. I couldn't hear, I only heard mumbles. A person that I had called for help called an ambulance, as I can already tell. Soon I was unconscious. The moment I woke up in a hospital bed... there was my mother who was scared about my hearing. She broke into tears... as she heard... I was... deaf...     it took about a week for me to be discharged. I may or may not have a quirk, but I still got into UA anyways."

"Waitaminute," Uraraka suddenly says. "How did you pass the entrance exams with or without a quirk?!"

"Who knows. That's the real question. If I don't have a quirk, then I would be helping out in UA or not. If I did have a quirk, it wouldn't be too powerful comparing to other AUs who might've passed with a strong or powerful quirk."

Uraraka sighed as she stretched her legs out and arms up as if she woke up from a short nap.

"I was deaf at an age of 5. It was bad. I feel very uncomfortable and not made that much friends. Kacchan was one, but I rarely had to talk to him. I follow him... until the time I was deaf. After I've been bullied for about a whole school year... I gave up and moved away to a new school."

(I am making this AU version my version of Deaf Deku UwU)

"I didn't think I would get more bullied there." 

The class tensed. Why was he getting bullied? He was helpless there, he needs support from others to make him feel comfortable around others! 

"So school to school, I have been bullied. Some even say i can't be a hero if I am deaf. What's their deal? I don't know, it's like Satan has put a spell on each people wherever I go. It's hard. And as I was enrolled to a school for the last time, I snapped. (yandere simulator game pops up in mah mind, oop) It was at this moment I feel like...


C A N ' T 



... So I gave up. But I was lost in thoughts, I didn't know I was back in my middle school where Kacchan was. I start to avoid him. I had enough bullying these days."

The class. They couldn't bear to hear all that. Aizawa had frowned even more during the story, almost everyone feeling bad. Bakugo was just sitting there, feeling guilt cross over his feelings.

"But like I said!" The Deaf Dekuverse suddenly had a voice of cheerfulness. "I got into UA! Isn't that cool?" 

"It is cool to be in a popular famous school for quirked students in training." Iida said as he stood up. He startled the deaf for a moment.

"Time to go," Deaf Deku said. He jumped off the chair (he was holding it the whole time, don't ask, it's a cat thing) and jumped onto the floor. 

"That's a carpet floor you're about to slam headfirst!" Uraraka and Mina cried out before realizing he had fallen onto the floor. It also ripples and went solid. Now the floor and the wall has solid water ripples. Pretty weird, huh?


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