-Suicidal (or Depressed) Deku AU-

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I don't know why, but when I try to spell Deku, it ended up making me spell out Dekuverse instead. It's called autocorrect. And yes, I am on an iPad. And thanks for so much views! The first chapter (-Kidnapping Class 1A-) was published, and the next day BOOM so many goddamn views. I was so shocked for so much views... thank you everyone! 

"Who are you talking to?" Momo asked. 

"The fourth wall," I said. 

"You're bringing up the fourth wall again?" Mina groaned. "Now I am so not sure people are actually reading!" Um. Alright skip that.

"Well... anything? Do you guys know who the next AU will be?" I asked. Although I said so already that the next AU will be a bit disturbing, I wanted to know if anyone guessed it.

Everyone in the class asked: "is he a serial killer?"

"Uhm, no. Not that. He's not a villain, but what I was trying to say last time... I'm talking about a problem that THERAPY can try to do."

"What?" Everyone asked again. "What does therapy have to do with anything?"

"Uhhhh should I spoil it...?" I asked myself, under my breath. I took a deep breathe in, but I choked in it as someone appear out of a white portal where Villain Waifu Deku appeared. (If you don't remember, he appeared at the top of the theater)

I coughed hard as I tried to take breath from the air (we survive by oxygen dudes!) while the class was startled and confused on why I was choking and coughing.

"Oh... it's everyone." 

The class stiffened ONCE AGAIN and creakily turn to the voice. Yup. Here it comes, readers. For all of you who likes... depressed people... like the MHA protagonist...

"D-Deku?" Uraraka whispered in shock. 

"Yes? When did you figure out?"

"Figure out what...?" 

"Ahe*cough*m... so... he's Izuku Midoriya, yes... but you know what I said about disturbing... he's a depressed au."

"I am depressed, but I really have the urge to have suicide." the Suicidal Deku said bluntly. 

"You literally blew the case off of me," I mumbled as I calmed my body down from all the air-sucking and coughs.

"You... you... suicide?!" Kirishima shrieked. "Why would you do such thing?!"

"Well, who cares for me doesn't know what I've been through," he said as he sat down on the floor, to where everyone can still see him. Bakugo went quiet. He was hoping he wouldn't be taking all the blame.

"We all do... in your world, right?" Sero asked, trembling by the news.

"All of you do. Just normal, almost like I didn't exist or just want to talk with your friends without me. I changed during the years. My mom died by murder. Bullies. Useless. Told to jump off a roof. I did that once but I was saved. Why? No one would want to see someone suicide unless they love harm and blood. I did it again, and this time I landed. The next thing I knew, I was awake in a hospital bed."

Aoyama covered his mouth as he started to sweat bullets. He didn't like to hear all this. Nor anyone. Me? I'm totally fine. I read books about this anyways. But yes, it's hard to write this down when you are describing a protagonist's life depression. As for you all readers? In your own opinions.

Shoto turned away as he felt a bit sorry for Suicidal Deku. Bakugo was frozen in the spot as soon as he heard the word "JUMP". He knew it was him in Sucidal Deku's world that told him. But he also did that to the original Deku's world. 


"Any questions for me? I'm planning on something as soon as this is over with."

"You're not planning on another one, are you?" Iida asked as he air-chopped his arm. 

"You're not demanding me. When you demand you always do that, don't you?" That make the SONIC GO FAST dude to stop air-chopping and slump his arms. 

"Hm! No. I am planning to meet the dead." Suicidal Deku answered the question, and his eyes turned more of a daze. 

'It's like he's the dead person,' everyone thought, scared. 

"You aren't Hades," Momo said. At this point everyone looked at her in confusion.

"Who tf is Hades?" Bakugo asked as he cussed as usual.

"He's the god of the dead. In Greek Mythology." I answered for her. Suicidal Dekuverse chuckled. "Yes. I am like him. But as a human alive, I don't see spirits."

"Exactly!" I exclaimed as I raise my arms and hands in the air and swing them up and down. 

"And I don't know what in the world is Greek mythological," Denki mumbled. "Is it a yogurt myth?"

"Greek MytholoGY!" Momo corrected. 

"Well! Any more questions?" Suicidal Deku asked, tapping his foot, saying that he's impatient.

"Why do you still suicide, even if the people -who didn't know what was going on with you- but still cares for you?" Asui asked slowly.

"I don't understand the question. But the depression, the URGE to go suicide... the URGE to cut on my arms... still never leaves me alone. I get more depressed and suicidal along the way."

"Any people who knew about your depression?"

"A few, but I'm not going to name them. On a serious note, I won't EVER go to therapy and just try to die... I don't deserve to live..."

"BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO CARES FOR YOU AND LOVES YOU?" Shoto shouted as he turned from his seat when he stood up. "You have friends, right?! Maybe anyone who you consider a friend or more than... friends..."

"They won't know until I disappear. It'll be too late by then, even if they try to revive me or not. I just want everyone to forget about someone who is a suicide, depression freak. It's not heroic. I don't even know WHY I was at UA, anyways, at that time."

Everyone felt sad tears rising in their eyes as some began to turn away, turn quiet, or angry on the fact. "Don't be sad too much. It's not heroic either. Everyone doesn't want a freak like me living if it bothered their life while becoming hero."

"But aren't the people who is trying to help you trying to act like heroes?" Hakagure said softly as her worn clothes on her invisible body sat down on her seat. Her sleeves of her uniform made it like she was trying to wipe her tears away.

Suicidal Deku went quiet. "They'll get over the loss of me soon. If that was possible." 

And he went back to his world by going back through the white portal. The portal closed. Everyone was in shock, sadness, anger ( a few certain people) and some were unconscious through the whole thing. 

"Anyone in for a... break?" I asked. Everyone stayed still, not bothering to answer. 

RIP the room tension. (Guess I'll try to find memes then)

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