// Among Us Round 2//

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Cookie: Alright, next round! Good luck!

Uraraka: That was sudden!

Starting in 3... 2... 1... START

Kaminari: Navigation? Never went there. I guess I gotta find it.

Deku: *sigh* okay... who should I follow? Maybe Iida. I guess.

Todoroki: *following Iida*

Deku: *follows them*

Uraraka: *went to the medbay and sees Kirishima scanning* 

Cookie: When a player scans, that means it's the crew mate. Imposters can't scan.

Uraraka: Oh I'm glad I didn't go anywhere near the scans... even though I was caught.

Iida: *is doing the task in O2.*

Bakugo: *follows Uraraka to the medbay to see Kaminari scanning* Ah so... they're here. Nice. 

Kaminari: *does the chart course task* man. This is getting boring now, idk why-

Cookie: Bro-

*glitch screen*

Bakugo/Uraraka/Kirishima: *leaves the medbay*

Iida: *heads to the storage to do the fuel*

Todoroki: *follows Iida*

Deku: ...

Iida: *fills the gas gallon with fuel and heads to the place where it needs it* 

(I forgot where, rip)

Todoroki: *does the trash task in storage*

Deku: *arrives*

Cookie: Someone's acting sus.

Uraraka: *went to the reactor to do the 'Unlock Manifolds' task*

-a minute later-

Kaminari: *enters the admin and see Bakugo's dead body*

Kaminari: Ah shit, what do I do?

Cookie: Report the body before someone comes in and think you're the imposter.

Kaminari: *went close to the body and DEKU SMASH the report button* (not literally, though)

*Bakugo's Dead Body* DEAD BODY REPORTED

Deku: What, Kacchan's dead??!

Uraraka: Where was it?

Kaminari: Uh- I think admin-

Kirishima: Was anybody around?

Kaminari: No, but I saw Iida coming from the cafeteria.

Iida: I was filling up the... something... with fuel.

Todoroki: You might be faking the task, though. Iida.

Iida: I'm not! And why were you and Deku following me earlier?

Todoroki: Seeing if you acted sus. Did the same with Deku, who followed me afterwards.

Deku: You didn't do any tasks, did you? If you didn't then-

Todoroki: I did the trash. 

Uraraka: Who should we vote, or do we skip?

Deku: Iida might be the imposter, I mean, Kaminari said so.

Kaminari: You do know I am not sure, since no one was around it.

Uraraka: But... Iida was the last one to leave, was he?

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