-Band Deku AU-

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Note: I think I might mess it up, because I never knew much about this AU. Besides, the only AU I known is the VERY first 2 chapters of this book, which sounds a bit cheesy, maybe. 

Also, sorry for the lack of updating, I was busy with homework. This is not my idea to make this, it goes to the person who gave me the idea in the previous chapter. (The chapter before this.) And I was lazy to make it like a story, so uh... here. Read it. If you want. Thank you for the views overtime! I am very happy! :D

Cookie: *summons everyone into their 'rooms', yet I only brought the ones that I needed*

Bakugo: *whams into the door as if he was being dragged before teleportation* OUCH WHAT The hell! 

Mineta: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA- *face-planted in the floor* Oww.

Todoroki: I believe I can flyyyy

Cookie: *watching over the cameras as she turned on the speaker/intercom* Hello, everyone! Welcome back, after a few weeks of departure or... whatever. Anyways, does any of you know where you are? Just to be sure.

Also Cookie: 

-Grape Bish was ejected- (Among Us reference :>)


Uraraka: Well, this room looks familiar, but I can't recall when I saw it in my memories-

Bakugo: WHERE THE HELL ARE WE- *rubs his head to slow down the pain*

Izuku: Kacchan! 

Bakugo: DEKU why tf did-

Todoroki: This is... kidnapping.

Tsuyu: Kero.

Uraraka: Wait, this is my room when the girl... uhh- sent us to a theater!

*cricket noise*

Uraraka: Wait, how can we hear each other when we're in separate rooms? (O-O) 

Cookie: *speaking through intercom* The girl who is speaking to you is Cookie, and I'm the one who made you meet the Dekuverses. And idk, what do you think?

Also Cookie: And how did you guys not know my voice? We last met in the interview room for the cheesy QnA! The hell-

Bakugo: Oh, you're the girl who sent us to the theater. Nice. *sarcasm*

Cookie: *sighs* A reader had asked me to show you another AU. Sorry if I were to waste your time on whatever you're doing, but I haven't updated... for... uh- 14 days or something-

Todoroki: Where's the theater again, Cook?

Cookie: 'Cook? Really...' Open the door and find the big door.

Izuku: *was somewhat already there* Hey, guys!

Uraraka, who came in first: Deku! How did you get in here before us?

Izuku: I-


Cookie, speaking since they just arrived.

Izuku: *Was holding Bakugo's shirt collar as he was using his quirk to go back to their UA dorms before the teleportation* 

Izuku: Kacchan! :O

Izuku: Oh wait, where did he go? 

Bakugo: OUCH WHAT The hell! 

Izuku: NEVERMIND. Now how do I...? *finds a door and opened it like normal*

Izuku: Let's explore around here... maybe I won't get caught. Is this a person's quirk, to teleport anybody and control what happens and *mumbles again*

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