Chapter 7

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When I saw Tanjiro's scared figure it made me stop. "What am I doing? I nearly had Tanjiro just like he used to be around me but I'm about to ruin it. I'm such an idiot." I thought to myself while staring at Tanjiro. I get off him and untied him. Then I apologized before leaving the room. "Give me a call if you need help in something." I remembered what he told me if I needed help to escape with Tanjiro. Then I also remembered that this was his last day in Tokyo, so I decided to give him a call that way he could help me escape with Tanjiro.

I sit up and cover myself while staring at the door with confusion. "Why? He had the chance that he wanted. So, why?" I thought to myself while looking out the window. I sighed from relief that atleast nothing happened. I walk to the bed and layed down before falling asleep.

I just sighed, and started packing our things that way we could leave before the police arrives. I heard a car beep and I went to check who it was, and then I saw that it was my twin brother, Yuichiro's car. "Hurry up the plane leaves in two hours!" He yells while his car window was down for like a second before he closed it. I just nod and put everything in the trunk. I walk back inside and open the door to Tanjiro's room to see him sleeping. I change him quickly into a long sweater and into some short shorts without waking him up. Then I picked him up bridal style, and then I walked out of the house. I put Tanjiro in the back set with me and I sat him on my laps. When my brother started driving the house started getting on fire since I left the oven on, on purpose that way everything would burn. "Is it our family private plane." I asked him since I knew he was the new boss as the mafia from our family. "Yeah and you won't be able to get out of the house, since you'll probably screw both of us up if you go outside." He tells me since nobody was suspicious of him in anything and since nobody knew him as my family, since he was always in disguise. Also, because he didn't want us to go to jail. "Okay. I understand." I tell him while looking at Tanjiro sleeping. "We're here." He tells me then his guards come and take everything to the plane. "Burn all the evidence." I hear him tell his helpers. "It's been so long since I've been in that house." I thought to myself while smiling and while carrying Tanjiro to the plane. Once we were in the plane I sat Tanjiro on my laps again and then Yuichiro sat next to me. "Start the plane." He yells while the plane doors closed. "Yes sir!" One of his helpers yelled and started the plane. Then it took off. "Next stop the United States." I thought to myself while smirking from victory while we left Japan.

When we finally arrived at the place that Tanjiro might of been at we saw everything burning while firefighters were putting the flames out. "Shit he must of known that we were coming." Officer Iguro mumbled and then he got out of the car. When they checked the drones they saw someone helping him but they didn't show his face and his windows were very dark to look threw. There was also no evidence left since it all burned. "No we can't lose Tanjiro again!" Rengoku yelled frustrated from what's happening. "Tanjiro why did this have to happen to you." I thought to myself while crying. "I failed the promise I kept to mom and dad." I mumbled while crying more. Rengoku hugged me to calm me down but it didn't work. I was to angry, frustrated, and sad on what's happening.

I hugged Nezuko while letting her cry on my chest and while I looked out the window to see the seen. The police officers and they're hounds still couldn't find any evidence. We also don't know Muichiro having any family members so that was a no go. "Tanjiro where ever you are I hope your fine." I thought to myself and that's when the police only found one clue. "Sorry to bother you but this is really important." He tells us while looking at us with pity. "What is it?" Nezuko and I asked. "*Sigh* He might of gotten raped or abused or maybe both." When he said that my eyes went wide. "Why do you say that?" I asked while feeling anger rush threw me. "A little part of some fabric survived the fire and it's wet from water, so the scientist that we brought with us checked what it actually was and she said it connected with Tanjiro's DNA, which could only mean something bad might of happen since they're were alot of tears on the fabric." He tells us while still looking at us with pity. "No no no. No!" I hear Nezuko mumbled at first but then yelled while crying even more on what she heard right now.

~Ten Hours Later~

Ten hours have passed and they still couldn't find any more evidence that might actually help us find Tanjiro. "Tanjiro where are you?!" I thought to myself while getting more frustrated.

When I wake up I feel someone stroking my hair, so I shot my eyes open and see Muichiro smiling. I sit up quickly and I look around since the bed felt bigger and way more different. "W-Where are we?" I asked nervously when he pulled me to sit on his laps while I was facing him. "We're at our new home where nobody will ever find us, my little bunny." He tells me while smirking and then kissing me. "W-What does he mean where nobody will find us?" I thought to myself while being confused. "I'll tell one of the maids to make you some food since you must be starving." He tells me when he separated from my lips. He gets me off him and leaves while leaving me confused on what's going on right now.

Cliff Hanger

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