Chapter 13

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Right now we're eating lunch, and all of us were talking without being angry, scared, or nervous. We were all actually luaghing and smiling. I was surprised at first, but then I was happy. When we finished I helped the maids clean the dishes, while Nezuko the table, since we don't like being a burden and making people work a lot. Once we were done we decided to go outside for a while to get some fresh air. Everything was so peaceful that it made me feel so relaxed.

"Nezuko do you know why it's so quiet, because I heard not a signal car or anything." -Tanjiro

"Wait you don't know that we're in the middle of some forest?" Nezuko asked, while being surprised.

"No, because I woke up in a room. Also it doesn't even look like we live on a mountain." -Tanjiro

"Oh I see, but yeah your right about how it doesn't seem like were on a mountain. Like if we didn't know we would probably think we were in a town or city." -Nezuko

"Tanjiro time to continue on making your dress!" Tanjiro and Nezuko hear Amelia yell, and Tanjiro yelled "okay." They went back inside and Amelia continued with her work.

Meanwhile Officer Iguro, and some of his companions were going were the signal came from, but when they arrived they almost died, because right away shooting started happening. They took cover and started shooting and killing the people who tried to kill them. He shot one of the cars gas tanks and made it explode, but then he got shot on the arm. He heard the bad guys started driving and order the other officers to go without him, and that he would catch up to them. They nodded and went in their cars and drove away, and then a car chase started happening. Iguro ripped his sleeve and wrapped it around his arm, and then he got in his car and started chasing them. "This is Officer Iguro get back up and meet me in road ****." Iguro said in his walkie talkie. "Yes sir." He hears a response and then he put his walkie talkie away. They caught some of the criminals, while the others escaped. Iguro took them to the interrogation room and told them to talk, but they wouldn't even say a wore even though Iguro gave them warnings and told them that they would be protected that way they won't be killed, but they kept saying no. "We won't betray our boss." One of them said, and Iguro sighed knowing that they won't say a word. He told soms of the officers to take them in prison, and they nodded before walking out with them. "Dammit." Iguro thought, and then he was taken to the hospital that way they could check his wound.

"I hope those idiots that got caught didn't say anything that could betray our boss." The criminals that escaped thought to themselves. They called their boss and told them whay happened. He told them that they did a good job and that their checks would be raised, which made the criminals smile from joy.

"Brother the job is done." I told my twin brother, while smirking. "Thanks." He said, while smiling.

When I got a call from Officer Iguro I was surprised from what he told me. "Dammit." I thought to myself, while being frustrated.

"And I'm done." Amelia tells me, while smiling and my family looked amazed. "You look very lovely Tanjiro." My parents and Nezuko told me, while smiling. "Yeah brother you look amazing." My younger siblings told me, while also smiling. "Thanks." I told them, while smiling from their complements. "Also Amelia you did a good job it looks very good, and I feel comfortable in this." I told her, while smiling, and while looking at myself in the mirror. "Thank you." Amelia responds, while sounding proud and happy. "Anyways it's about time I go, so I'll take the dress to where Yuichiro told me to put it." Amelia tells me and I nod before taking it off carefully. "Bye." Amelia tells us, while carrying the dress. "Bye Amelia." We told her, while smiling. She smiled and then left. After some time of me and family talking we heard a knock on the door. "May I come in, Tanjiro?" I hear Muichiro's voice. "Yeah." I tell him, and then he walks in.

"Honey I'm glad to see Tanjiro safe and happy." I tell him, while smiling. "Yeah me to. I just hope it doesn't change." He tells me, while sounding worried about our son. "Dad don't worry to much." Nezuko tells him, while smiling. "Yeah your right." He tells her, while smiling. "How about we watch a movie, since one of the butlers told us there's a movie theater." Takeo tells him, while smiling. "Yeah let's go watch a movie." Our younger kids tell him, while smiling. "Okay." He tells them, while smiling. "I'm going to go get some snacks. Also change into some pajamas to be more comfortable, since it's night already." I tell them, but before I left Nezuko accompanied me.

"So how are feeling about the wedding, Tanjiro?" I asked him, while smiling. "A little nervous that's all, but I'm mostly happy." Tanjiro responds and gave me a smile, and then we heard a knock on the door.

"Hey it's, Nezuko. May I come in?" -Nezuko

"Yeah." -Tanjiro

"Sorry to bother you two, but our family and I are about to watch a family and if you wanted to join us. We'll also be wearing pajamas." Nezuko tells Tanjiro, and Muichiro, while smiling.

"That's sounds like fun." -Tanjiro

"Yeah it actually does sound like fun, so we'll be there like in 5 minutes." -Muichiro

"Okay." Nezuko tells them, while smiling and then she left. "Tanjiro could you wait for me. I just have to change into some pajamas." Muichiro tells Tanjiro, while standing up. "Or you could stay and watch~." Muichiro tells Tanjiro teasingly, which made Tanjiro blush. Tanjiro just left without saying a word, which made Muichiro laugh at how cute Tanjiro acted.

"How could he say such a thing>///<?!" I thought to myself, while blushing, and while waiting for him. Once he was ready we went to go where my family is going to watch the movie.

Cliff Hanger

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