Another Little Mayer?

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It was time for the after party, and John and I were in my dressing room getting ready. Scarlett is with my parents for the night in their hotel room, so John and I will get some alone time.

"John, honey? Can you help me zip my dress?" I said, struggling to zip the zipper on my back.

"Yeah. Hold on a minute!" He replied, coming from the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror, and stared at my own reflection for about a minute, until John crept behind me.

He lightly sucked on my neck, which turned me on a little to be honest.

"There's no time for that, John. We have to get to this after party." I snapped, while slapping his arm away.


"Now zip my dress. Please."

He zipped my dress up while I held my ponytail up.

He turned around and looked into my eyes. I bit on my lower lip and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, stroking my cheek with his index finger.

"And you look very handsome in that tux." I smirked.

"Why thank you." He joked, and headed toward the door to grab my purse.

"Wait! You forgot a tie."

"Do I really need a tie?"

"Yes. If you want to look professional."

"Do I look professional to you?" He chuckled.

"If you're a Mayer, you're professional." I smirked. And grabbed a tie from his suitcase. "Now get over here you little hunk."

He rolled his eyes like a child, and slowly walked over to me.

I placed the tie around his neck, and tied it. When I was done, I tucked it into his suit. He lifted my head up by my chin with his finger, and I found myself getting lost in those gorgeous brown eyes.

He tried kissing me, but I pulled away.

"Look John. You don't know how badly I want to kiss you but we really have to get going."

"I know babe. Is something bothering you?"

"Not at all. Why?" I frowned, leaving him looking upset.

"No reason." He shrugged his shoulders.


We were at the after party, and it was absolutely amazing. Everyone kept congratulating me. And it honestly made me feel so proud of myself. Hope that doesn't sound too conceded.

John and I ordered a few drinks and then decided to walk back to our hotel room which was just a block away. It was around 1 in the morning, and we still had beers in our hands, getting close to being drunk.

"We better stop drinking, or we'll get drunk. Probably not a good idea on a night like this." John said, while dumping out the rest of his beer on the sidewalk.

"I guess you're right." I replied, and took the last sip of my beer.


John kissed me hungrily, while shutting the hotel room door behind us. I ran my finger through his thick brown curls and slid my tongue into his mouth.

He pushed my onto the bed, and kissed me slowly, while I bit on his lower lip, making him moan.

"Take it off." I demanded.

Without any hesitation, John pulled off his shirt and jacket. The only sound you could hear were our lips smacking together in sync.

I continued to kiss him, as my nails dug into his back, and let out a quiet moan.

"Do you really want this?" John whispered, and hovered over me on all fours.

I stopped for a moment, and thought about it. Maybe I didn't want to risk getting pregnant again. I just had a baby, and I'm not even on the pill.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, and ran into the bathroom.

"Katy come back!"

I quickly ran into the bathroom, while tears streamed down my face. I'm so embarrassed. I know it's in front of my own husband, but I just made a fool out of myself.

"Katy open the door." John sighed.

I slowly opened the door, and moved my head to face away from him.

"Katy. What's wrong honey?" He asked. "It's okay. You can tell me. Is it me?"

"No it isn't you." I assured him, while dabbing my eyes with a tissue. "It's me."

"What do you mean?" He asked, walking closer to me.

"I don't want to risk getting pregnant again. I'm not on the pill yet, so I don't want to start yet until I'm on it. Look, I really didn't want to let you down tonight." I said, looking down at my bare feet.

He cupped his hands around my face and stared into my eyes.

"You didn't let me down." He said to me straightly.

"Yes I did. I know tonight was supposed to be just you and me, but I chickened out. I'll make it up to you soon. I promise."

"You don't have to make anything up to me. I'm glad you realized that before I did, or we would end up with another little Mayer." He laughed.

"You're right." I sighed, and hugged him.

It almost felt like sparks flew all around us, making me feel like I'm falling in love with him all over again. He's the love of my life.

"Why don't we go watch a movie? Maybe some Toy Story or Cinderella." He offered, and laughed a bit too.

I giggled. "I guess that's what you get when you have a five year old."

He the swept me off my feet, by carrying me bridal style over to the bed.

"Let me down!" I screeched.

He laid me down on the bed, and tickled my side.

"Stop it!" I giggled like a little kid.

He stopped, and stared into my eyes again. I stopped laughing, and stared into his.

"You're so gorgeous." He whispered.

I lightly smiled, and hugged him. He wrapped his muscular arms around me, and kissed the top of my head.

"Goodnight love." He said.

"Goodnight." I replied, and wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Wait. Katy?"


"Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have another little Mayer..." John spoke.

Thanks for reading so far everyone! This chapter wasn't the easiest to write, if you know what I mean. I didn't want to get too into it, haha. But anyways, remember to comment and vote!💘☺️

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