My Missing Puzzle Piece

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" My sister asked, as she sat down on my bedroom floor next to me.

I scrolled through the list of houses in the area, and I surprisingly found a house right near my sisters. But I doubt she'd want me living that close to her. "Of course I do." I sighed, and shut the laptop.

"Katy. What's wrong?" She asked, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to get out of this. I have to tell my sister everything.

"I don't know. I don't know. I feel like divorcing John would be the wrong decision. I don't want to split my kids up like that. It's not right."

"Look, Kate. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but listen to your heart. Do what your heart wants. Sometimes you have to stop listening to your mind, because it's not always going to make the right choices. If your heart is telling you to run after John, go get him girl! But if your heart is telling you to divorce him, you have every right to! Just remember the consequences and what might go wrong."

I don't know how Angela does it, but she always knows how to lift my spirits up, and she's a true inspiration. I would never have the guts to say that to someone. "Thank you." I whispered. I wrapped my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder.

"No problem. And never be afraid to come to when you need help. I'll always be there for you, feather."

"You know I hate when people call me that!" I laugh, and hear the baby monitor go off.

I moaned as I got up. "I think all Emma knows how to do is cry!" I giggle, and go to her room, which was right across from mine. As I walked in, I saw her standing up, and holding onto the crib bar, screaming and crying.

"Aw babes what's wrong?" I ask, and lift her up. She's a very colicky baby, even though she's going to be a year old. Wow. A year old. And John won't be there.

I fed Emma and put her back in her crib. My parents are traveling right now so I have their house to myself, but I'm pretty sure I'll be renting a place so I can get out of here just for now. It's not fair to my parents.

It's a week after and I'm meeting with the real estate agent to look at the new house. My parents are coming too, I guess they're just concerned and worried about me. But I also got a call a few days ago telling me the divorce papers were ready, and they came in the mail yesterday, but Just thinking about doing that makes me sick to my stomach, and I still love John so much, and I don't think I could ever just let him go like that. I would miss him way too much, and I would have to live with the guilt for the rest of my life. It just wouldn't feel right being away from him.

Scarlett and Emma are finally with me now, and it's great that they're finally together again. They both seem off, but I honestly think it's because they both realized something's wrong, well, especially Scarlett. She knows everything.

"C'mon Scarlett!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs as I strapped Emma into her seat.

Her light footsteps made their way down the stairs and into the kitchen where I was. She sat down, tied her shoes, and followed me into the car.

We started to drive, and of course you can't have a normal car ride without the same old question. "Where are we going?" Scarlett asked, and stared out the window of the car. It was bright and sunny outside, and I know she loves the outdoors.

I paused, and continued to drive. "We're going to our new house. Just to check it out." I say, while tightening my grip on the steering wheel.

"How come we can't stay in our old house?" She asks innocently.

"Because." I say, and she drops it. I don't want her to get upset about this, because that will only make me feel more guilty.

We drive one more block and we're there. "Ok, sweetie. We're here." I say, and pull my keys out of the ignition.

"This isn't the same." She replied, and rolled her eyes at me. I swear that child has so much sass.

"I know it isn't honey. But I'm doing the best I can."

She seemed to growl at me and unbuckle her seatbelt. I unbuckled mine and picked up Emma's seat that she was still sleeping in. This is going to be a rough day.

When we got inside, my parents were talking to the real estate agent , and Scarlett immediately ran in the back yard to play with my parents. My mother took Emma with her and I sighed as she began to give me a tour. It was a nice house, I just don't think it's the right fit for our family. It just feels so empty and incomplete, even though there's furniture inside.

"This is the master bedroom." She says. "There's a great view of L.A through this window." It reminded me of John and I, I don't know why, but it's all I've been seeming to think about.

I give her a faint smile as she finishes the rest of the tour. I bow my head down and walk down the steps of the house. It was beautiful, but I don't think I could do this.

"Well, here's some information about the house. Just about everything you know." She chirps. "I'll give you some time to explore a little more if you'd like. I'll be outside."

"Thank you." I reply, and look down at the house information as she shuts the door. Being in here all alone sure doesn't feel right. I feel lonely and abandoned. I can't do this.

As I shut the folder, I hear heavy footsteps entering the house. "Katy?" Someone calls. My heart dropped into my stomach as my mind recognized the familiar, heartwarming tone. My head shot up, as I saw him stand before me. "Katy." He whispers.

"John." I reply, but that's all I seem to say.

I run to him as fast I could, and once I make my way into his arms, everything seems to fall into place. He picks me up as I hold him closer than I ever have. "I'm so sorry." I whisper into his ear, and tighten my grip around his neck.

"No. I'm sorry. This was all my fault." He says as his voice gets quieter. I wipe my tears on his shirt and look into his big, chocolate colored eyes. He pulls me down lightly and tucks a piece of my raven hair behind my ear.

"You didn't deserve to be treated like that." He said, and I wrap my arms around his neck as my smile fades.

"I should've never asked for a divorce. Trust me, I would never want that to happen to us, ever. Just know that, okay?" I whimper, as more tears fall down my cheeks.

"Okay." He whispers, and wipes the warm tears away from my pale cheeks with the pad of his thumb.

"I'll never stop loving you, and I want you to know that. Every time I look at you I know that everything is going to be okay, and that nothing can get in the way of my love for you." I cried, as tears continuously stream down my cheeks.

"Shh." He cooed, trying to get me to stop crying. "Look at me." He whispered, and lightly lifted my head up by my chin. We got lost in each other's eyes. Mine were probably red and swollen from crying, but I didn't care. I began to breath heavier as my heart seemed to beat faster than ever. Our foreheads pressed against each other, and I smiled. Our lips slowly met, and his touch never felt better. He placed a hand behind my neck, and slowly pulled me in closer. The only sound you could hear in the room were our lips slowly meeting again and again each second, slowly and passionately. We both stopped and opened our eyes. "I want to show you something." I whispered.

"What is it?" He asked, and I pulled the divorce papers out of my purse. I giggled as I wove them around the air.

"Give me those." He laughed as he took them out of my hands, and ripped each paper one by one into hundreds of pieces. "We don't need those." He whispered, as he walked closer to me again. Our bodies were touching , and I could feel his breath getting heavier and heavier onto my lips. "I want you to know something, always and forever." He said, and I nodded, as I blinked to get the remaining tears out of my eyes. "You've got my only heart." He whispered into my ear, and lightly kissed my neck. The tears started to roll down my cheeks more and more again, as I realized I'm finally back with the love of my life. The one that's been there for me throughout everything. My husband. The father of my children. My one and only. My everything.

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