The End?

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(Just letting you all know, this book is going to send soon :) it isn't going to be as long as the last book, because I didn't even think making a second book, that's why there were so many chapters. I'm thinking of doing 35 chapters for this one, but they'll be long, and then that will be end of the series :))

"Whaaaaa!!!" Emma screeched, and I immediately woke up and picked her up and out of her crib.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" I ask, and bounce her on my hip.

She kept crying and I begin to get stressed out. "C'mon Emma." I cooed. "Be good for Mommy." I whispered, and rubbed the back of her head with my hand. I kissed her forehead and held her close. "You want your pacifier?" I asked, and picked through the diaper bag and found her favorite pink pacifier. It seemed to work.

She whined into my chest as I sat down on the guest bed. "Shh Shhhh." That seemed to get her to calm down, but she was still a bit whiny. "Emma, you have to go to sleep." I whispered and grabbed my phone next to me. "Look, it's eleven at night, sweetie. Way past your bed time." I say, and point to the time on my phone, but was trying not to look at the picture of John and I that was on the home screen. I guess I forgot to take it down.

Emma pointed to the picture and frowned. My face went blank and I quickly shut it off, as she began to cry more. "You'll see him tomorrow, honey. Let's go to sleep now."

I laid her next to me as she began to quiet down, and shut her eyes. As she fell back asleep, I took my phone back out and stared at the picture of me and John. "I miss you." I whisper, and place it back into the charger.

The next morning was a little rough. We all went downstairs and saw Shannon eating breakfast, with fruit and cereal on the table waiting for us. But I didn't really have time. I needed to see John. "C'mon guys. Let's eat." Shannon said, motioning to the empty chairs.

"We'd love to Shan but I have to drop Scarlett off at my parents house. I'll see you later." I reply with a smile.

"Oh. Alright. Have fun!" She says and takes another bite of her cereal.

I walk out and place the girls in their car seats, then start the car. "You guys okay back there?" I ask, and look into the mirror.

Scarlett gives an assuring nod and plays a game on my phone, while Emma plays on her toy piano. Once I drop Scarlett off at my parents house, I text John and tell him I'll meet him at Starbucks.

I'll meet you at Starbucks. B there in 10 minutes.

John: k.

That's all he seems to reply, which I'm completely fine with. It doesn't even matter anymore. As I drive to Starbucks, Emma starts to whine in the back again. "Da-Da! Da-Da!!" She screams, and kicks the back of my seat as she practically throws a fit.

"We're seeing him right now, honey." I say with a smile, and cover up my misery.

She stops and looks out the window, and I sigh. This is going to be really tough without John, but with supportive family and friends, I think I'll be okay,

"Ok babes. We're here."

"Yaaaa!!" She screeched and waves her tiny hands around.

I sigh and get out of the car. As I kept my head down, I took Emma into Starbucks. I saw John in the window. When we finally made eye contact, we couldn't stop, until I finally looked away. When I got in, I sat down in the seat across from him and place Emma's carrier on the ground so I can pick her up. I reached to unbuckle her seat, but John's hand stopped mine. I looked at him, and pulled away, as I looked out the window. It's hard to think things have come to this. We're fighting over our own kids, he's cheated, and I don't doubt he's done it more than once. I'm always busy with tour, and he's busy with music. I just wish that I hadn't got so close to him, but then I wouldn't have my kids. There's so many things I love about John, and there's so many things I hate. My thoughts were interrupted my John's voice.

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