Baby Girl

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~A Week Later~

I was on the computer, trying to fully figure out my performance for the Grammy's, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck.

"Hello, handsome."

"Hey babe. Whatcha doin there?"

"Not really anything. Just trying to figure out things with Tamra and the rest of the team." I replied, while running my fingers through my thick black hair. My eyes suddenly looked at the clock. It was 2am and I was still up. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I chuckled, and shut the top of the laptop.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to go to bed yet when I knew you wouldn't be lying there next to me."

"Oh don't be like that, John." I replied, getting up from my chair.

He laughed and put his arms around my waist.

I quickly looked into his eyes knowing that I always seem to find a way to get lost in them.

He moved his hands up, so they were now on my ribs.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you more." I replied with a smile.

"That's not possible."

He kissed my cheek, and twirled me around, making me giggle. He slowly put me down, and kissed my forehead.

"I'm hungry." I said, while scrunching up my nose.

"Want some ice cream?"


We stayed up for about an hour more, making jokes and eating ice cream in bed.

John always finds a way to make me laugh. Whether it's a funny story a stupid corny joke.

"I'm gonna get ice cream all over the sheets!" I said, while still laughed uncontrollably at his story.

He laughed at me, making me laugh even more. Gosh. I can't even with him sometimes. We get so dysfunctional.

"Woops." John said, while catching the ice cream that was going to fall on my chest with his finger.


I woke up the next morning with chocolate ice cream all over my face, and a bowl on my chest.

When I fully woke up, I placed the empty bowl on my nightstand, and looked over. John's so cute when he's sleeping.

"John. Wake up honey." I say, while shaking his body.

"Huh?" He asked, and sat up. Probably clueless as usual.

"I was thinking we can go to the beach today with the kids. I planned the Montana trip yesterday..."

"You did what?" He asked, as his jaw dropped.

"Yeah. We're going in a week."

"Are you sure about this Katy?" He asked me. But he already knew the answer.

"Yes. We're going to have the most amazing time! I even rented a log cabin to stay in. This trip is going to be great."

"Okay. Let me go check on Scarlett and Emma. They're probably still sleeping."

John headed towards the door, and slowly turned the knob, when Scarlett poked her head through the door.

"What are you doing up this early?" John asked.

"I was going to Uh..."

John picked her up and placed her next to me on the bed.

I looked at her tiny little body, examining the bouncy golden curls that ran down her back, and her lightly tanned skin. I wrapped my finger around one of her curls making me smile. She turned around to face me, while batting her long eyelashes. I smiled down at her, and kissed her temple. She pulled away and smiled at me, while showing off her dimples that formed on her cheeks.

Scarlett quickly embraced me, and held me tight. I wrapped my arms around her, and hummed the lyrics to Unconditionally, while resting my chin on her head. She quickly realized what I was singing, and sang along. It almost brought tears to my eyes, when I realized what was going on. My daughters are the most important thing in the world, and I love them both so much.

"Can I join?" John asked as he entered the room while cradling Emma.

I shot him a stare, wondering why he had to ruin the moment. He knows I never really get to spend time with Scarlett. I almost feel bad because we're always focused on Emma, and not her. But I think it's going to teach her a good lesson.


"Here let me put some sunscreen on you. I don't want you to get burned." I say to Scarlett, who's already playing in the sand.

She rolled her eyes at me and ran over to me. I swear that kid is full of sass.

She turned around, and I rubbed the sunscreen on her back, and finished on her face.

"Now go play with Daddy. He's already down there." I say, while pointing to John.

"Okay. Bye Emma." She replied, and kissed the top of her baby sisters head,

"Have fun honey! Make sure to stay with Daddy at all times!"

It was great watching them have fun. But I had to stay and watch Emma, and I didn't want to ruin the fun.

Emma was sleeping on my chest, when she quickly opened her eyes. She's been sleeping for a while now, I realized they were the perfect shade of brown. Just like John's. I smiled softly and stroked the back of her head with my hand, and kissed her chubby cheeks.


"That was so fun!" Scarlett shouted as she ran to me ad picked up the towel that was in my lap. "Daddy and I went surfing!"

"That's great, honey! I'm glad you had fun."

John walked from behind her and picked her up. Her little body shivered. She was probably cold. It was getting late anyways.

"Why don't we get something to eat and go home?"

"Sounds good."

I wrote this chapter like 7 times because I couldn't think of anything else. But anyways, remember to comment and vote!

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