Mommy This Mommy That

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John's P.O.V

"Well that was fun." I say to Katy, who was packing up my Range Rover with beach toys and bags.

"Yeah. It was great. Are the kids buckled?"

"Yeah I just buckled them in."

"Mommy!!! Are we going yet or not?!" Scarlett shouted.

"Yes honey. We'll be there in a minute. Bare with me." Katy muttered.

Scarlett sighed. She sounded like she was annoyed.

Katy face palmed, while rubbing her forehead in frustration.


"I don't get it. I really don't. This morning we were just fine and she acts like a little brat. I tried to make a day of this, and spend time with my family, but I always screw up. What am I doing wrong?"

I walked up to her and held her hands.

"Listen to me. You aren't doing anything wrong. You're a perfect mother, and I want you to understand that. She's just at that age where she doesn't completely know whats right and wrong. She's going to be six. You know how tough that's going to be?" I said with a smile, obviously trying to make her feel better.

"You're right." She replied, and nodded her head.

"Okay. We're on this journey together."

She kissed my cheek and got in the car. But I stood there for a moment, wondering what we're going to do. We both have crazy lives. There's always something. But I won't let her down. I promised her something, and I'm not going to break it. We're in this together. Forever.


"Goodnight Baby Girl." I whisper to my daughter.

"Guhnight Daddy." She said back to me, while smiling. Her dimples are adorable.

"Can you promise me something?"

"What is it?"

"Can you be a good girl for Mommy? Please?"

She sat up and sighed, while running out of her bedroom.

I sat on her bed that was covered in a Disney Princess blanket. She had stuffed animals everywhere. But one of them caught my eye. It was a little worn out, but I realized it was the stuffed bunny rabbit that I gave to her a day after her first birthday. The day I promised I was going to stick with her forever, and never leave her side. I stared at it for a second, and ran my fingers over it's body.


"So how has she been?" I asked Katy, concerned on how our daughter has been without me here.

"Good. A little fussy, but I guess that's normal for a one year old." Katy replied, as she placed a light pink pacifier in her mouth.

"Well, I got this for her. A while ago. But I never got to give it to her." I say, while handing Katy the stuffed bunny rabbit.

"It's so cute. Scarlett, look! It's a bunny!" Katy said joyfully as she waved the stuffed animal around.

Scarlett giggled, causing her to lose her pacifier. She started to whine, and waved her delicate arms around.

"Shh it's okay baby. Daddy's got you..."

I picked up my little girl. And realized that this moment is something I will never forget.

"Hi." I said to her softly, while bouncing her on my legs.

She crinkled her little nose, just like Katy does.

"I'm never going to leave you, little one. Ever."

Flashback Ends...

"Daddy?" Scarlett asked.


"Are you okay?" She asked me, and wrapped her arms around me.

"Yes Honey. I'm fine."

"What're you doing with my bunny rabbit?"

"Oh. Nothing."

She glared at me, probably knowing that I was 100% lying.

"Mommy wants you to come watch a movie with us." She replies, while taking the stuffed bunny out of my hands.


"Yeah. C'mon."

"Where's Emma?"

"Mommy already fed her and put her in her cwib."

"Alright. Let's go, squirt."

She held on tight to my hand and walked me to the bedroom.

"You two are cute." Katy said to us.

"Why thank you." I chuckled.

We both got onto the bed, and watched Snow White, which is Scarlett's favorite movie.

While it started, I wrapped my arm around Katy, while Scarlett laid in between us.

We both looked at each other and smiled. My lips suddenly met hers, and it felt like I was falling in love all over again.

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