2 - next week

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Dream hovered his mouse over the file app. His finger quickly tapped the table as stress only hit him. He promised to play games with Tommy, but clearly didn't feel like it.

He needed to get his shit together.

He needed to realize that whatever he was feeling towards George wasn't a friendship type of way.

It needed to be fixed.

His heart skipped a beat as Tommy joined the call.

"Dream! My brother, hello!"

"Hi, Tommy. You streaming right now?"

"Not yet," he implied, "you?"

"I won't be streaming. I don't really feel like it but I'll stay to play. Plus, I already streamed with George and Sap yesterday."

"Cracknap." Tommy replied, breathlessly followed by short laughter.

"What the hell?" Dream muttered as his eyebrows raised.

Tommy started laughing as Dream lightly chuckled.

Tommy was probably the most hilarious person anyone could meet, but he didn't really say things that met occasions.

After 3 hours of playing Minecraft even though they planned other games, Dream logged off for the day. He slouched in his chair after he left the call and ripped his headset off.

He took a second to lean his head back and stare at the ceiling while huffing.

As he stared, he heard his phone ding.

His eyes shot away from the ceiling.

He quickly grabbed his phone to see multiple texts from Sapnap and George in the group chat.

He unlocked his phone before scanning each text.

Sapnap: hey guys, I've been thinking a lot and I'm starting to think that maybe one of these days the three of us can meet up? I mean it doesn't have to be soon or anything and we can discuss it more but it randomly popped into my mind.

Dream froze.

The thought of even making eye contact with George phased him.

He had already met Sapnap of course months before, but the feelings towards him were normal and mutual.

He didn't have feelings for Sapnap like he did with George.

George texted back.

George: I might be a little busy with streams and editing this week but yeah we can talk about it. You good with this, Dream?

Dream scrolled up to see if there was any other texts.

Spending an entire week with George would be a different type of feel.

He texted back.

Dream: hell yeah! You guys are welcomed already.

Dream then set his phone down, honestly dreading the reply.

Sapnap: awesome dude. We can talk later

George: :)

Dream huffed, then set his phone down back on his desk.

He immediately stood up and jogged into the living room, where his calendar was.

His entire calendar was marked with dates, special times and other shit.

He found a good spot to cancel some stuff to free up an entire week.

He then went as far as cancelling times for an entire month.

Next month.

If we was going to see Sapnap again and meet George in real life, he was going to do it soon.

After he cleared his calendar, he slouched down on the couch.

Patches was in the corner, laying down licking her paw, eyeing dream.

The room began to grow hot as Dream sunk down further on the couch, his mind filled with lumbered ambitions.

He sat up to pull off his sweatshirt, then tossed it away to the opposite corner Patches was laying in peacefully.


"KILL HIM, DREAM HES CHASING ME!" Sapnap shrieked.

Dreams gentle chuckle switched to a loud and rough wheeze within seconds.

George was screaming at him to go to him, while Dream was enjoying every second of it.

"No, Dream, don't listen to SNAPMAP! Help me kill him."

"Hey!" Sapnap said, "you know he's gonna pick helping you over helping me. He's a simp, dude."

Dream began to laugh again as George scoffed.

"I'm not helping either of you," Dream wheezed.

Both George and Sapnap continued screaming as Dream muted himself for a moment.

He scooped patches away from under his desk and placed her on his lap.

He scratched behind her ears proceeded to smile.

When he heard no more screaming, he unmuted.

"You guys done?"

He heard the panting of Sapnap.

"Yeah bro, we're done. And he killed me." George wheezed.

"You deserved it."

When Dream was going to laugh again, his mind came back to place as it was before.

Hearing George's voice sent a shock of goosebumps down his spine.

He shivered. He couldn't help it.

He placed two fingers on his lips and felt the warmth.

He wanted to feel George's warmth.

"Alright, now that George isn't being a psycho anymore, we should talk about meeting up sometimes. Most likely in Florida."

"Oh yeah," Dream said, all of a sudden ecstatic, "I looked at the calendar earlier. I'm free next week or the next month. Depends on how long both of you want to stay."

"I haven't gone as far as trying to clear time yet," George began, "but I'll look. I'll be so happy if I can come see you."

Dream felt himself blush.

"Me too."

"Alright.. well I'll text you tomorrow." Sapnap said. If I do come again, I'll need to bring all the important shit like my setup. Also, I'm not gonna take the plane, like last time."

"You sure you want to drive that long again?"

"Hell yeah, man. It wasn't actually that bad last time."

"Oh! Guys, I gotta go. Dream, text me in like 2 hours. My schedule will have been checked by then.

"Sounds good. Bye guys."

"Bye!" Sapnap cheered.

"Bye." George replied.

Dream then left the call. He took off his headset and smiled brightly as his reflection in the mirror.

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