12 - hold me

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After the boys had gotten home from laser tag, they brought out a few drinks by Sapnaps request. Three hours later, Sapnap was fast asleep on the couch, George and Dream standing in the living room staring at him.

"Should we wake him up?" George asked, scratching his neck.

Dream stood for a second in protest, tapping his lip.

"No, he's gonna be fine. We should get to bed."

Dream then walked pass George, upstairs and into his room.

George bit his lip, feeling a bit off. Tipsy.

He followed Dreams footsteps, waking upstairs. He approached his door, but stood there for a few cold seconds.

His gaze was brought towards across the hall and around the corner. He brought his hand away from the doorknob, bringing his arm down to the side of his hip.

He slowly made his way down the hall, approaching Dreams door.

Without knocking, he twisted the knob and quietly opened the door.

He peered inside, Dream facing the window on the furthest side of the bed.


Dream glanced at the door frame, where George stood.

"George? You okay?"

George nodded, walking further into the room and closing the door behind him.

"I.. just wanted to feel a little warm tonight."

Dream brought his frown up to a slight smile.

He cuddled up beside Dream, barely touching him, bringing the blanket far up his chest. He watched as Dream turned to the opposite side, facing away from him.

"Dream?" He whispered.

"Go to sleep, George."

"Hold me, Dream."

Silence fell upon them, Dream sitting up but turning his body to face George.

"Are you drunk?"

George sat up with him, shaking his head.

"Since I've been in Florida, all I've been thinking about is my mom. My family issues. It sucks having to think about someone else besides you and Sap."

Dreams eyebrow rose as George continued.

"I know you might not care and that's okay but I just.. really need to think about something else. Will you just hold me and tell me it's going to be okay?"

He felt his eyes trembling, nearly watering as Dream scooted towards him and pulled him in a gentle hug.

His arms wrapped around Dreams neck, Dreams hands around his back and snaked up towards his shoulders.

"Of course I care, Georgie. Everything is gonna be okay. Alright? I promise. You'll be fine."


Dream found himself awake in the the middle of the night, his brunette best friends head rested on his chest, his hands around his waist.

The blanket was half way up their bodies.

Dream wasn't sure George had meant to talk about his family issues with him, since the one night he opened up he had been tipsy.

He stared up at the ceiling, a sleeping George running his fingers through Dreams hair and scooting closer.

Dream smiled with a chuckle.

I just want him to know he can trust me. Fully.

He slowly stroked his back, taking deep breaths and attempting to not scream because of how much he had wanted this.

At this point, he wanted to explain to George that he'd been feeling differently towards him for the past two months.

Deep into thought, Dreams phone bleeped.

Who the hell is texting me this late?

He reached over, trying his best to not disturb George in his peaceful slumber.

Hey, I know it's late but I couldn't wait until morning. Maybe early in the morning you could come meet me at the park? We could catch up a little :) let me know.

He stared at his phone blankly, then started to think about Sapnap.

Sapnap, who was suspicious of his feelings for George, although he hadn't bothered him about it in hours.

That's weird, especially for Sapnap.

He tapped his lip with his free hand, laying his phone on his chest near George's arm.

An answer came upon him. He picked his phone back up and replied:

Sure :) how does 11am sound?

He bit the inside of his cheek.

Maybe Annie could fix everything. He didn't want to feel this way anymore.

He wanted everything to be back to normal, his mind wise.

He had to prove Sapnap wrong.

Surely his friends wouldn't mind if he was out for an hour. Surely this would convince Sapnap otherwise.


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