21 - secrets

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The group finally made it past the hundreds of shops, approaching the small seafood hut. The doors were held open, chatter openly heard from customers inside.

"Are we sure we wanna go here? This place is busy as hell," Sapnap intended, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"Who cares?" Dream muttered, trudging into the small restaurant.

The rest of the boys quickly followed behind the taller to the front stand.

A tall man, (but shorter than Dream by like three inches) with slicked black hair greeted them.

"How many?"

"Just us five," Karl responded.

The hut was nice. It had a beach theme and wall plants and hanging plants and floor plants. Lots of plants.

Fairy stringed lights hung from every corner, glistening against the small window above every couple of tables.

After a short wait, the man escorted the group to a far booth table.

Karl, George and Dream squished together sitting across from Sapnap and Darryl.

George sat in the middle of Dream and Karl, his body pressing up against theirs slightly.

A short waitress approached them. She had short black hair and a full black uniform on.

"Good evening, boys. I'm Taylor and I'll be your waitress for today."

Her eyes scanned the table, falling onto Dream.

She grabbed a small notebook out of her pocket of her apron, taking a pen after that.


"I'll just have a water," Dream responded quickly.

"Strawberry lemonade," Karl added.

"Same with me," Sapnap implied.

"I'll just get a water," George muttered quietly.

"Same with me," lastly Bad said.

"Alright, I'll be right back with that. Take your time with your menus."

She flashed a smile at Dream one last time as George watched her carefully.

Why do all of these dumb waitresses show so much interest in him?

"What're you gonna get, George?" Bad asked, holding the menu up across his face.

"I don't know. What even is some of this stuff?"

"American food," Dream replied quickly with a soft chuckle.

"I wonder if it's better than the food back in England."

"Oh, definitely." Karl told him with a smile formed into the corner of his mouth.

"And how would you know?"

"I just do, Nick. Hush."

Light chuckles came from a few of them, their eyes drawn away from each other and back to their menus.

After a few short minutes, the black haired waitress came back happily with their drinks which she held on a rather large black tray.

"I got three waters and two strawberry lemonades here," she explained, setting the drinks down in front of her on the edge of the table.

"Are we all set on food?"

The boys all stared at each other, quickly nodding.

They all ordered some basic, tasty food. George wasn't too excited, having to sit in a booth rather close to the kitchen and having to smell everything that came from the fresh seafood.

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