14 - surprises

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After "the date" between the two, they went their different ways to their own homes. As he drove down the busy road, Dream tapped his finger in protest against the steering wheel.

There were a few things he noticed about Annie.

She talked. A lot.

Dream had already figured out tons about her.

Shes an artist, she lives alone from family in Florida, she has only a few friends, she's only been in one other relationship, she has a cat, she's still in touch with her ex, she draws, she writes, she's published a couple stories, she's never had any alcohol, she's obsessed with scrunchies, her dad visits every Christmas, she tried to learn how to skateboard but gave up, she hates markers, and she's had bangs her entire life never choosing a different hair style.

It was true, Annie did distract Dream from George but not in a good way.

I guess you could say that she was rather more annoying than charming.

If Annie is what took his mind away from George, he would willingly keep talking to her. For now, he wanted to spend as much time with his best friends as possible.

As soon as he opened the front door, he smelt something disgusting in the kitchen. He plugged his nose, making his way in.

Sapnap stood in front of the stove with George by his side, observing whatever they had made.

"What the hell smells like that?" Dream shouted, jogging over and unplugging his nose.

He took George by the waist, moving him out of the way.

There, on the stove were black pancakes.

Dreams jaw dropped as Sapnap began to laugh. "That's what you get for not making us breakfast."

"You are a grown ass man, Nick, what the hell is this?"

"It's my attempt at making those delicious pancakes you make. I followed the recipe correctly, but I had to take a huge shit and might've forgotten about them."

"And where was George during all of this exactly?" Dream asked, both the boys turning to face George.

His arms shot up. "Don't look at me, I just got down here."

Sapnap started laughing harder as Dream turned off the stove and carried the pan to the garbage, dumping the black circular messes.

"So where we're you?" George asked, scooting to sit on the stool by the island table.

"I was uh, with Annie. On a date thing at the park."

"Speaking of, how was it?" Sapnap replied.

"It was.. interesting. She's funny and stuff."

"And stuff?" George asked, turning his attention to Dream fully.

"Yeah. I mean she's confident. And proud of who she is."

The other two boys grew silent, uncomfortably.

Dream tapped his thumbs against the table.

"I don't know, guys. But who cares." He suddenly stood up, taking his jacket off.

"I say we go for coffee and breakfast, yeah? Cafe down the road."

George smiled, nodding as Sapnap crossed his arms. "Okay, fine. I was kinda hoping you would just remake the pancakes but it's whatever."

Both George and Dream glared at him, already half way to the door.


All three of the boys sat silently at the circular table, glancing at each other every once in awhile, sipping their coffees.

"So..." Sapnap began.

George and Dream both turned to face him.

"Karl and Bad and I were talking on call last night. I was telling them about Florida."

George and Dream carefully glanced at each other as Sapnap continued.

"Both of them got plane tickets."

Dream nearly spit his coffee out.

"What the hell?!" He whisper shouted, "Karl and Darryl are coming to Florida?"

Sapnap grinned, nodding in excitement.

"Wait, what? Where are they gonna sleep?" George asked, confusion in his warm accented voice.

"No need to worry about that. I've already rented a beach house right along the beach side."

"Bro, no way!" Dream cheered excitedly.

"A beach house? That sounds like fun," George replied. "When do we leave?"

"In like three days. Both Darryl and Karl are meeting us there the day they land. You guys excited?"

"Hell yeah man." Dream muttered, high-fiving Sapnap.

"We're gonna stay for two weeks and do tons of fun shit. I already payed for half so Dream can pay the other. I would've payed it fully but then Dream is gonna complain about being a 'bad host.'"

This made George laugh, as Dream glared.

"But seriously dude, thank you. This is gonna be fun as hell."

As Sapnap started smiling, Dream bought his gaze to a smiling George, which made him smile.

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