7 - touch

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hi there :) before I get on with the story I wanna thank you for 100 reads! may not seem like a lot but I only just recently started writing. hopefully this chapter will be uploaded very soon! happy reading :D

⌞ ° • + • ° ⌟

Dream slowly opened his eyes, the sun openly blaring through his window. He rolled over, rubbing his eyes then slowly sitting up.

He glanced at the alarm clock, which read "9:32 AM."

He knew Sapnap and George wouldn't be awake since they were both tired from their trips.

He dragged his hand down his face in exhaustion.

A few minutes later Dream finally had the motivation to get up.

He flipped the blanket off of him and went over to his closet. He pulled on a regular t-shirt with black sweatpants.

After he got dressed he slowly opened his door to peak out. Patches was waiting by the railing of the stairs, watching Dream carefully as he tip toed out of his bedroom.

He made his way downstairs and grabbed the cat food from the pantry. He then filled up Patches' bowl.

He watched her for a moment as she slowly started drinking.

He then thought to himself for a moment. What would Sapnap and George want to eat that isn't cereal?

He tapped his chin, observing the food and ingredients in the pantry.

Dream scrambled to grab necessary ingredients for pancakes.

Basic buttermilk pancakes.

He set all the ingredients on the counter, as well as the measuring cups and stirring utensils.

He poured two cups of flour into a big bowl, as he heard a door almost beside him slowly creaking open.

He glanced over, seeing Sapnap step out of his room.

"Clay! We have a big day, why didn't you wake me up?"

Dream scoffed.

"Big day my ass. We just have lunch and movies."

He glared, seating himself on the island table chair, in front of where Dream was adding ingredients to his bowl.

"I also wanted you guys to wake up when breakfast was ready."

Sapnap raised his eyebrow.

"Last time I was here, you just made us eat cereal."

Dream glanced up at him, stirring.

Sapnap smirked.

"Someone sounds like he's trying to impress his other guest. Don't worry, Dreamy. He's gonna realize you're a lazy host soon." Sapnap grimaced, then started wheezing as Dream glared.

"I'm not trying to impress my friends that I've known for years. Also don't call me Dreamy, Snapmap."

Sapnap immediately stopped laughing.

"Fine. Also I never said you're also trying to impress me."

Before Sapnap could say anything else, he was taken aback by a flick of batter hitting his cheek.

He quickly wiped it away, reaching over, scooping up batter and flicking it at Dream.

Dream scoffed at him. "Hey! That's way more than I hit at you."

Sapnap started laughing again until the two heard footsteps slowly walking downstairs.

Dreams eyes shot away from the noise and focused back onto the stirring.

Sapnap tried his best not to break out into more laughter as George tiredly trudged into the kitchen.

"Why the hell are you guys being so loud?"

Sapnap, stupidly started laughing at Dream.

Dream squinted his eyes turning to George.

George glared at the wheezing boy and turned his attention to Dream. He slowly approached him, brought his arm up and wiped away a splatter of batter across his cheek.

Dream watched as he dragged his hand away, then sat beside Sapnap.

"You guys are disgusting."

"Sorry for waking you up, Gogy," Sapnap muttered.

Dream turned away, facing the other counter. He couldn't contain the blush that had formed from George's touch.

"What movie are we seeing?" Sapnap then asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that fell upon them.

"Not sure yet. We can head to the store before hand, though to pick up cheaper candy," Dream replied.

"Sounds perfect to me," Sapnap grinned, patting his belly.

Dream took out a pan and set it on the stove, away from George and Sapnaps view. He felt his cheek.

What the hell?

It's not that big of a deal.

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