29 - hurting

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George finally climbed out of the shower, pulling the towel around his lower half. He knew his eyes were puffy, he knew he was sniffling too much.

He quietly creaked the door open, peeking out and glancing both ways down the hall. He crept to his own room, locking the door behind him.

He pulled on a regular t shirt and some sweatpants. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair a bit.

He wasn't crying anymore but his eyes were puffy.

George didn't care about it at this point, making his way to Dreams room.

He pressed his ear to the door to listen. He heard Dream screaming about something in his mic.

He was still streaming.

George lightly knocked, listening to quick movement as Dream tumbled to swing open the door.

"George I'm streaming."

"End your stream."


"Just do it."

Dream stared at him for a moment before hurrying over to sit back in his spinny chair.

He talked to his chat for a minute longer before ending the stream. He set his headphones beside his keyboard and spun his chair around to face George.


George took a deep breath, walking over to Dream and carefully climbing onto his lap, his eyes dragged down to Dreams button up shirt.

He brought his hands up and broke open the first button.

Dream grabbed George's wrist and locked his eyes on the brunettes.

"George? Are you okay?" He whispered.

George quickly nodded, pulling away his hand and dragging his hands down Dreams shirt unbuttoning.

Dream just watched, unsure of what he should say.

George licked his lips, shoving the rest of Dreams shirt off then gripping his hands onto the back of his neck.

His lips locked with Dreams, but Dream wasn't kissing back.

He pulled away in confusion.

Dream stared for a moment, placing his hand to cup George's jawline.

"You've been crying."

George parted his lips, but he couldn't speak. There was no excuse he could make now.

George carefully climbed off of Dreams lap, collapsing to sit on the edge of his bed.

He folded his own hands together, staring at them intensely.

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Dream slowly stand up and sit beside him closely.

"Why were you crying, George?" His voice was low and raspy in the moment.

It made George tense up as he huffed.

"It's.. my mother."

"I thought she stopped contacting you."

"That's what I thought, too."

He dragged a hand down his face, attempting to not break down in front of Dream.

"She called earlier. She said some nasty things. She blamed me for my dad figuring out she cheated."

Dreams arm swung around George.

"George, look at me."

George's head spun to Dreams eyes.

He felt a warm tear fall from his eye as he was pulled into a steady hug.

"You know that nothing she gets herself into is your fault," he muffled into George's shoulder.

George shook his head, wrapping his arms around Dream tightly, and safely.

He didn't say anything. He wanted to continue feeling Dream and listening to his light, raspy words.

"I'm sorry, George."


"I should be here for you more. I just assumed everything in your life was going good."

"Don't be sorry," he responded quickly, "please, please, please don't be sorry."

"I can't help it."

They sat in silence on Dreams bed, just hugging each other tightly in warmth.

"Am I interrupting something?" Sapnap muttered, leaning against the doorframe.

He started laughing as they pulled from the hug, Dream realizing his shirt was still off.

George quickly wiped his cheeks, turning his attention to Sapnap as Dream hurried up and grabbed his shirt which lied beside his chair.

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