24 - awakening

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The sky was light. The sun hadn't peeked out yet, but Dream didn't care. He had no care for the sun in this very moment.

He was wide awake, stroking George's back softly. He was resting in his chest, George's arm lying across Dreams stomach.

Dream glanced at the shirts that lied on the floor messily from the night before.

"George," he whispered softly, rubbing his hand over his cheek.

"Hm," George tiredly replied, slowly opening his eyes. When he realized he was there with Dream, a slight smile grew.

"What time is it?"

Dream glanced at the alarm clock. "It's almost eight. Everyone's gonna be up in a little bit. We should get up."

"I don't want to move," George told him with a sigh.

He swung his legs over Dreams and hugged him tighter, still lying peacefully in his chest.

"Do you think they heard us?" George whispered, closing his eyes again after a comfortable silence.

Dream chuckled softly. "Definitely."

"Fuck," george murmured shoving his face into Dreams chest which only caused Dream to laugh harder.

"It's gonna be so awkward. Especially around Sapnap."

Dream gritted his teeth, George peeking up at him from his chest.



George quickly sat up, plastering his hands across Dreams thighs.

"Spit it out?"

"He kinda.. knows."

"Knows what?"


Dream honestly expected George to be mad, but a wide grin grew on his face instead. "You idiot! You told the most untrustworthy person."

George brushed some of Dreams hair behind his ear as he chuckled.

"Clearly I could trust him enough since the secret was safe. You seriously doubt Nick too much."

"I kinda have something to tell you too, Clay.."


"Darryl also knows."

Dream covered his mouth in attempt to not start wheezing.

"Since when?"

"Since swings."



Dream pressed a kiss to George's cheek, scooting George away and flipping the blanket off of himself.

George lied himself back down, pulling the sheets up to his chest as he watched Dream pull on a random pair of sweatpants and a dark green t shirt.

Dream then fished through the closet, throwing a black t shirt and a pair of basketball shorts at George.

"Hurry up, get dressed."

"I don't wanna."

"Stop acting like a toddler. I'm gonna go make breakfast."

He heard one last complaining groan come from George as he opened the door and slowly shut it behind him.

As always, Karl was already sitting at the island table on Twitter.

As soon as he noticed Dream, he nearly spit out his coffee.

"I- uh, good morning, Dream."

He definitely knew. Karl wasn't a complete idiot.

"Morning, Karl." Dream replied as he strode into the kitchen, swinging the pantry open.

"So.. is George awake?"

"He is."

Karl gave him a thumbs up, hiding his face with his coffee cup.

"You okay, Karl?"

"Yeah, yeah. I edited some of the haunted house stuff from yesterday. You're completely cut out of all clips."

"Thank you."

"No issue. Anyways, today is beach day. After we eat we need to pack duffel bags for beach stuff."

"Sounds fun. I'll let George know."

"Great. I'll- uh, see you in a little." Karl grabbed his phone and his mug and went into his and Sapnaps room, closing the door behind him.

Dream quickly made two bowls of cereal and set them on the counter. He went back into his and George's room, only to find George laying there still.

"George, get the fuck up. I made you cereal."

"Come lay with me." He asked tiredly with a groan, waving his arms in signaling for Dream to come to him.

"George, we have a long day. It's beach day. I don't want to disappoint everyone because you want to cuddle."

With one last sigh, George slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes again.

"Do you think they'll care if we just spend the day together? Just me and you?"

Dream approached him with a smile. "We can talk about this later, got it? For now, we're spending time with our friends."

George desperately wanted to touch him again, but we was already walking back to the door.


"Look who finally decided to get up," Dream muttered with a slight pitch change in his voice. George slowly walked out of their room, wearing the random outfit Dream threw at him.

George collapsed in the middle stool in front of the island table, pulling the bowl of cereal towards himself further.

Dream decided to sit next to him, drowning his cereal in his milk with a small spoon.

"How're you feeling," Dream asked, nudging George lightly.

"Why do you ask me that if you know the answer?"

"I'm not sure. I can read you like a book."

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