Cake baby (something I wrote months ago)

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Hey humans! So I've talked about this a lot, but I'm doing something new. I'm going to start posting things I wrote months ago without editing them, and then edit them cause they are really bad. I'll title which part of the original and what is the revised version. And I fully encourage you to poke fun at my old writing, I won't be mad because I will be putting my thoughts on the first version of it.
Also, if you didn't see from earlier, I go by Bee on this site now, so if you see the name Bee, that's me :)

The original unedited version:

Evan looked at the display in front of him 'perfect' he thinks to himself. (Use a fucking comma past Bee) He looks at the many desserts that fill Hansen's Bakery, and with that, begins a new recipe.

He gets all the ingredients for trying out this new recipe. He mixes the batter and gets it into the oven so he can start the icing and fondant decorations.

While rolling out light pink fondant, the bell above the door goes off, signaling someone is here.

"Hello! Welcome to Hansen's Bakery, what can I do for you?" He asks without looking up. (Look at your customer Evan)

"Can I get a kiss and a piece of my husbands funfetti cupcake that is just screaming my name?"

"Hi honey." (Commas) Evan says, giving Connor a peck on his lips.

"I brought you some tea when I was at Starbucks." He places the cup on the flour coated counter.

"Aww that's sweet Con! What do you want?" (Wow, Evan) He gives Connor a look and raises his eyebrow.

He gasps and hold his heart. "Ah! I'm hurt, Evan. Cant I just bring the love of my life some tea as he works hard?" Evan gives him another look. "Fine! I wanna taste-test!" Connor whines, giving a pouty face.

"Fine. A funfetti cupcake."

"Aww come on Ev, a piece of cake. Please."

Evan sighed. "Damn puppy eyes."

Connor's face lit up as he smiled. He took a funfetti cupcake (stop saying funfetti cupcake) from the display as Evan cut him a piece of chocolate cake.

"Just remember" Evan said, "D-Don't say an-anything t-that's not true. I-I take f-feedback." (Whats with the sudden stuttering??)

"Sure, Ev, I won't sugar coat it." (Wow.) Connor let's a laugh escape while Evan rolls his eyes and gives Connor a well deserved smack on the arm. "Ev, baby, I love everything you make."

Connor throws the cupcake liner on the table and takes a bite of the brightly colored dessert.

"Mmm. Holy shit, babe. These cupcakes are great!" Connor said, finishing it.

"R-Really?" He asked, playing with the hem of his blue polo.

"Evan, would I lie to you. You are very talented. Now gimme cake." (Gimme?)

Evan gave the piece of the chocolate delight and gave it to his husband.

"Mmm. Amazing." Evan gave himself a small smile. There was a small ding as his eyes lit up.

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