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Hey humans! So, funny story, I finished this last night, but I completely forgot to hit the publish button! I am so sorry. I had some bad writer's block last night and didn't have any good ideas, so I decided to put out some headcanons!

~ Connor absolutely LOVES converse hightops

~ Sometimes he even buys plain white ones and paints them

~ Evan was offered the apprentice ranger position again after senior year but turned it down because he didn't want the memories that came with it

~ Heidi convinces the Murphy's to send Connor to Dr. Sherman, which actually helps him

~ People say that their relationship would be toxic, and I agree it might be a little towards the beginning, but I feel that Connor would help Evan with his anxiety and depression, while Evan is good at helping Connor manage his anger, and helps him with his depression and other mental illnesses

~ Connor is an amazing artist

~ For Evan's birthday once he drew him some pictures of them and Evan fucking cried

~ Evan is extremely self-conscious of his body and his little chub and Connor has to remind him how beautiful he is (wowiwishihadmyownConnor-)

~ So. Many. Forehead kisses.

~ Evan will sometimes go non-verbal during/after really bad panic attacks, and when he does, Connor usually sings to him

~ The song Connor sings usually after the bad attacks is Epic lll from Hadestown (just Orpheus' part)

~ Okay this boy wears Connor's clothes all the damn time

~ Like he will constantly steal his sweatshirts, which are like short dresses on him

~ Connor was still smoking when they started dating, although he knew Evan didn't like it. He didn't know why, but after a few months of dating, Evan told him that his dad did drugs when he and Heidi were still married, and let's just say, his dad did some bad things to Heidi

~ Connor spends a lot of nights at Evan's house because he sleeps a lot better when he's with Evan, and some nights when his parents are fighting or if it's just not a good place to be, he knows it's better if he just leaves

~ The two of them love Broadway, their favorite musical is either The Prom or Waitress

~ Evan stays up and cuddles with Connor when Connor's insomnia is bad

~ Connor took dance lessons for like eight years and starting teaching Evan how to dance

~ Evan has a hard time expressing his feelings sometimes, so he writes and addresses his Dear Evan Hansen letters to Connor to tell him how he feels

~ Connor has more bad days than people think

~ He's also a stress painter

~ And Evan stress bakes

~ Evan lets Connor paint his nails

~ Also, Connor looks hella good in a cocktail dress and heels

~ Like I can't even walk without tripping over air while barefoot and this bitch can walk in six-inch heels without falling

~ And he looks INCREDIBLE in makeup, especially glitter eyeshadow

~ Connor and Evan really want to get semicolon tattoos to show what they've been through

~ Connor loves to rub his bare, cold feet on Evan and tickle him

~ Evan French braids Connor's hair

~ Connor loves Disney

~ He loves princess movies

~ The two also love watching tv shows like Toddlers and Tiaras, Kitchen Nightmares, stuff like that

~ They go on a lot of nature walks because Connor loves listening to Evan babble about trees and plants

~ The two would do anything for each other

Sorry this isn't an actual chapter, but at least I still updated! Let me know if you want more headcanons and I love you all!

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