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Dedicated to my twelve hour Spotify playlist of showtunes that I've been playing for the past three days and me watching Beetlejuice. Also, thank you for the 207 reads!!

"Evan. Evan, get up. Evan!"

The covers flew off the bed as Evan looked around to see what was wrong. No smoke, no fire, no zombies, nothing, just Connor standing over him with a blinding smile on.

"Connor," he groaned, "it's five-fifteen, go back to fucking bed." Connor giggled.

"No, come on, get up! I wanna watch the sunrise!"

Now, to a complete stranger, you'd think that Evan would be the one pulling his boyfriend out of bed to watch the sunrise. Yes, he liked waking up early, but that didn't mean he wanted to be woken up at the ass crack of dawn to watch some big yellow ball in the sky come out.

"You can watch one on YouTube, now let me fucking sleep." He turned to the other side so he didn't have to face Connor.

"But, Ev~" He ran over to the other side of the bed and stuck his face in front of Evan's, and used the one thing that was his kryptonite: puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, fine, I'm up!" He rolled out of bed, but not before chucking a pillow in Connor's face.

Connor tossed him a hoodie, interwound their fingers and took a seat on their porch swing.

"It's cold." Evan whined, resting his head on Connor's shoulder.

"Ten minutes, you'll survive."

They huddled together, and listened to the chain as it squeaked when they rocked back and forth on the swing. The two unlikely lovers (falsettos anyone?) gazed up at the sky, watching as the navy blue and black faded out, and as yellows and oranges were welcomed.

"It's pretty, isn't it?"

"Yea, it is, just like you." Evan booped Connor's nose.

"Psh, what? I think you mean you."

"Oh shut up and watch the thing you woke me up at five fifteen in the morning for."

"Alright, alright." He took Evan under his arm and pulled him closer.

Even if the world sucked, it was okay, cause they had each other, and that was all they needed.

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