Connor looks hella good in dresses

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Well Star_Crossed_Loser here's your oneshot so it's true-

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Well Star_Crossed_Loser here's your oneshot so it's true-

It was an early Thursday night, which meant that both boys were home from work, and their date night began in about an hour. Usually, for date night, they would head to the movies or out to a casual restaurant, but that night, they had decided to go to a nicer restaurant, nothing too fancy, and take an evening stroll in the park.

Now, Connor, knowing he was going to have to dress up a bit more than just a nice shirt and jeans, was debating on what to wear. He was never into what society perceived as more masculine clothing such as suits in ties but instead leaned a bit more towards feminine clothing, such as dresses and skirts. He liked the idea of challenging society's useless gender norms.

In the back of his closets, we're the things he hasn't touched in almost a year and a half: dresses, skirts, floral blouses, and high heels. Makeup and pretty clothes made him feel... special.

He had dressed up more in those outfits back at the beginning of high school, and as time went on, he became more self-conscious and ashamed of himself, so he gave it up for a while. But tonight, he was going to surprise Evan was his look.

"Hey, Evan?" Connor asked as they were starting to get ready for the evening.

"Yeah, baby?"

"I..." he hesitated, looking down at the floor beneath him, "I don't want to wear a suit or a vest tonight, I want to wear a dress."

"Okay," Evan grinned without missing a beat, "you can wear whatever you want, Con. Do you even have dresses?"

"Back of the closest, just don't wear them much anymore."

"Why? I remember you wearing some back in high school a few times and you looked stunning,"

"I don't know, I guess I was ashamed of the way I looked and was scared that people would say some dumb shit and they would see my scars," Connor mumbled, looking over his shoulder and at his lover.

Evan walked up to Connor and placed his hand on his back in a comforting manner, and kissed a patch of skin behind his ear.

"Love, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Your body is beautiful, and if it doesn't make you too uncomfortable, I agree and think that you should wear one tonight."

"Okay," he smiled, laughing a tiny bit. "Can you just... leave? It's not that I don't want you in here, it's just you're already dressed and I want to be alone while I change,"

"Sure, love, anything you want."

As Evan backed out of the room and closed the door behind him, Connor turned the handle of the closet door and pushed it open, making his way towards the back of it, where he kept the more 'feminine' clothing. There were lots of options to choose from, but in the end, he went with a pink lace cocktail dress with some six-inch silver heels.

After Connor slipped the dress on and stepped in his heels, in looked himself up and down in the mirror, feeling a confidence he hadn't felt in a while. A sense of pride and self-esteem welled in his chest.

"Are you ready?" Connor called out from their bedroom.

"Yep, whenever you're ready,"

As Connor came out from behind the bedroom door, Evan's heart felt like it had stopped beating. Connor's shy smile that was slowly creeping across his face made Evan fall in love with him all over again.

"You okay?" Connor asked, noticing that his lover was staring at him. "You're drooling and you look like you're about to pass out,"

He shook his head and whipped his bottom lip with his sleeve, "Yeah, yeah no I'm fine. You look amazing,"

"Really? You can't see the scars on my arms, or the stupid chub, or-"

"No, nothing like that, you look gorgeous."

Connor took his boyfriend's hand in his and pressed his lips to it, kissing the knuckles lightly. He grabbed his keys from the kitchen island and his small messenger bag. "Ready to leave?"


As they walked out of their apartment and locked the door behind them, they made their way to the elevator and stepped inside once the doors opened. Connor pressed the button for the first floor and squeezed Evan's hand as he felt it start to move.

"Jesus Evan," he laughed, feeling his stare, "stop staring, I don't look that good,"

"Shut the fuck up you look fantastic, I mean, how are you even walking? You're wearing like six-inch heels!"

"It's just magic, baby, you get used to it after a while. It's a magic only people who look hot in dresses have,"

"So that means you don't have any magic?"


Hey humans!! I hope you enjoyed this cute little oneshot! Look down below if you wanna see Connor's outfit. Love you all ❤️❤️

Connor's dress:

Connor's heels (they're not six-inches but just pretend):

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Connor's heels (they're not six-inches but just pretend):

Connor's heels (they're not six-inches but just pretend):

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