The bet

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"Valentine's Day is so fucking stupid. It's a made up holiday for greeting card companies to make more money,"

Jared planted his head in his folded arms and groaned, earning snickers and scoffs from Alana and Zoe at the other side of the lunch table. "Maybe it wouldn't suck so much, Jared, if you actually got over yourself and asked out Rich Goranski. It doesn't suck for 'Lana and I."

From Jared's pile of self-pity arose his middle finger directed at the two girls who just ignored his antics. "How about you focus on your brothers love life instead of mine seeing as he's still pining over Evan,"

Before Zoe shot back with a witty retort, as usual, she froze. A smirk spread across her lips, "Well, how about we make a bet; the first one to guess when they'll get together wins, and if we say a day and that's not when they confess, we have to pay the other. Deal?"

"Can we intervene?"

"Sure, why not," Alana shrugged, eyes lighting up as Jared agreed to the bet and shook each girl's hand.

The three of them decided on twenty-five dollars for the first round. Jared placed his wager on two days later, while Zoe and Alana bet the day after Valentine's Day. And moments later, when Evan and Connor walked into the cafeteria and sat down with the rest of the group, Zoe had to restrain herself from letting a giggle slip from her lips.

The afternoon passed by as Jared tried his hardest to drop not-so-subtle hints at Connor that Evan had a crush on him, but he failed, seeing as the hints were pretty terrible.

The next two days flew by, and when Jared, Alana, and Zoe saw that neither of the two boys had confessed their love for one another, they made Jared cough up the twenty-five dollars. But, he wasn't done. He was determined to get them together.

"Fuck!" He grumbled, handing over the two bills, "this is so ridiculous. I don't understand how they could be so oblivious,"

"Well, we can always make it more...interesting if you're up to it." Zoe saw Jared catch her gaze, watching as his eyes gleamed with intrigue.

"I'm listening,"

"Fifty bucks and I keep my last wager of the day after Valentine's. We got a deal?"

And so, round two of the bet was made, Jared said that they'd get together right on Valentine's Day, which was coming up just around the corner. In those upcoming days, he spent his time thinking of ways to intervene and get the two boys to fess up instead of focusing on his own love life, with his totally not real gay crush on Rich Goranski.

After multiple failed attempts of trying to get Connor and Evan close, the big day arrived, and Jared snapped like a twig being broken in half. As the bell rang, signaling that their lunch period was over, he caught up with the two boys in the hallway and pulled them aside.

"Hey, gays, wait!"

"What do you want, Jared?" Connor rolled his eyes, grabbing onto Evan's hand and guiding him to where Jared was taking them.

"Well, it's Valentine's Day, so, are you free tonight, Connor?" He hesitated and glanced towards the smaller teen, but nodded. "Great! Ev, Acorn, how about you?

"I mean... I guess? Yeah, yeah I should be. I don't want to know, but why?"

"Great! I'm not, have fun on your date tonight!" Jared patter each of their shoulders, smiled, and began walking the other way, leaving the others with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Umm... doesn't Jared know we're already dating? He knows, right?" He heard Evan asked from behind him, causing him to freeze.

And there in front of him were Alana and Zoe, standing there with mischievous grins and bent over laughing, signaling that Jared owed them the fifty dollars they bet.

"Oh, Jared," Connor chuckled, "we thought the girls already told you,"

"Connor, I don't think Jared would be running after Alana and your sister screaming if he knew we were dating,"

Hey everyone!! I know this one isn't the best, but I thought it was kinda cute and fluffy (apologizes for any typos), so I hope you liked it! I love you all so much ❤️

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