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"You wanted to speak with me?" Yunho walked into Hongjoong's room casually, acting as if nothing was wrong. He wore almost a smug look on his face and Hongjoong hated it.

"Why did you think that it was okay for San to go out, alone, with Wooyoung? Hmm?" Hongjoong questioned, slowly becoming furious again.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, the kid was hungry so I told San to just go," Yunho stated.

"It is a big deal because they could've gotten hurt,"

"They didn't, did they?" Yunho asked and Hongjoong shook his head, "exactly, so they're fine,"

"Why the fuck would you tell San to bring Wooyoung? If San had went alone, I would be a little less angry, still angry, but because Wooyoung went with him, I'm pissed," Hongjoong glared at Yunho.

"I was busy cleaning and Jongho was cleaning too, its not like they were doing anything. I can't clean and watch a kid, especially not him," Yunho rolled his eyes, making Hongjoong scoff.

"What do you mean a kid like him?"

"He's taking up unnecessary space and he's too whiny. We should've just ditched him or shot him, either would've worked for me,"

"Are you serious right now?! He's literally fifteen and would be an instant target if he was on the streets, especially because of how cute and innocent he is. He is apart of this gang just as much as you are, if not, even more than you are," Hongjoong raised his voice, not wanting to scream at Yunho, but wanting to be assertive to get his point across.

"I don't care. We were so focused before he came and now that he's here, everyone is so focused on keeping him safe and basically gawking over his every move. Has it ever occurred to you that we have to keep ourselves safe too?" Yunho took a deep breath and glared at Hongjoong.

"We are being safe, we always have been,"

"We don't need a kid here, he's going to be our downfall," Yunho turned to leave but was instantly pulled back.

"What's your problem? Why do you hate Wooyoung so much?" Hongjoong switched their positions so that he was near the door and Yunho was further in the room.

"Yeah, I don't like him. He kicked me in the fucking balls and pissed me off. He is so annoying and you guys seem to just be okay with it," Yunho rolled his eyes again.

"He was trying to defend himself, you would too if you were in that situation," Hongjoong sighed.

He understood that Yunho was mad, but the poor kid had just run away from home and was trying to get by. It wasn't Wooyoung's intentions to get caught by their gang, but it happened and now he was like family.

"Still doesn't change the fact that I don't like him," Yunho scoffed and folded his arms.

"Well suck it up, he's here to stay," Hongjoong shoved Yunho back and then left his room.

Meanwhile, the two men and Wooyoung were in the kitchen preparing dinner. Both Seonghwa and San turned their heads when they heard Wooyoung let out a sigh as he sat down for a moment.

He never wanted anyone to get in trouble because of him. He made Hongjoong angry because they went out without his permission and he felt bad because he didn't want the leader to be angry with San, or even Yunho. It wasn't their fault, it was his. At least that's what he told himself.

If he hadn't said anything about being hungry then San wouldn't have been yelled at nor would Yunho. He never liked yelling or fighting. He had enough of it with his parents.

I got you kid - ateez/woosanWhere stories live. Discover now