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"Hongjoong, what the fuck do we do?" Yunho panicked. He was pacing back and forth in Hongjoong's cell anxiously. Neither of them had ever been to jail, none of them in fact. However, Hongjoong was prepared to a certain degree when it came to preventing them from going to prison.

"Quit your panicking," Hongjoong stated. He grabbed a pencil and a tiny piece of paper and wrote a number down on it, "I'm am going to call this guy that owes me a favor and he's going to get us out of here," 


"Of course it's illegal. But he's good with tricking the system, so it'll look very non-criminal like," Hongjoong replied.

However, Yunho wasn't fully convinced. He did trust Hongjoong with his life, literally, but he didn't know anything about the man that would be getting them out. It seemed incredibly sketchy. He was literally putting his life in the hands of this unknown man, hoping for things to turn out okay.

"Can you really trust this guy?" Yunho was skeptical.

"Yes, I can. Stop questioning it Yunho, it will be fine and we will get out," Hongjoong was adamant about trusting the unknown man, but Yunho was still weery.

"Do you really want to face San after this?" Yunho questioned after a few minutes of silence. 

Hongjoong raised an eyebrow in confusion. He really had no clue what Yunho was going on about.

"You opted to use Wooyoung as bait, when San said no. Then when we actually went through with the mission, the kid got shot and we are now sitting in jail,"

"Wooyoung agreed. It was ultimately his choice to go on the mission, not San's," Hongjoong rolled his eyes. He did what he thought was right, and in the end he did kill the man that murdered his mother, so he was finally at peace.

"He probably didn't realize that he'd get shot," Yunho growled.

Although Yunho still wasn't extremely fond of Wooyoung, the kid was starting to grow on him. Wooyoung was proving to be a sweet, lovable kid that truly had no mean bone in his body. It was clear to Yunho how much his presence had changed the gang, and honestly Yunho would be lying if he said it wasn't for the better. The gang was so much more of a family than they had been before Wooyoung stepped into their lives. The kid just made them all so soft.

"He'll be fine," Hongjoong stated.

Yunho scoffed, "how do you know? Did you see him fall to the ground clutching his stomach? Did you see how much blood he was losing? Did you hear his cries as we were all taken away from him? No. You were too clouded by your bloodlust to even realize the pain he was in. I watched it all, I watched San and Yeosang both struggling to get to Wooyoung, even Jongho was trying to help as well. But you just stood there. You just fucking stood there while the poor kid was bleeding out. And now you have the audacity to say that he'll be fine? You're a fucking loser Hongjoong,"

"You knew how important that mission was for me. That man killed my mother," Hongjoong glared at Yunho.

"Yeah I get that, but you can't change the past. We are your family, Hongjoong. Wooyoung is our family. So what happened to protecting our family?"

It was a serious question that had Hongjoong really thinking. He had no more biological family that he knew of, so his gang family was the only family he really had. All of them were his brothers, and he was to clouded by the thoughts of revenge to even realize that he had to protect his brothers too.

"I'm so sorry," Hongjoong sighed, putting his head in his hands, "I feel like I'm failing everyone in this gang. My job is to protect each and every one of you, and I've failed to do that,"

I got you kid - ateez/woosanWhere stories live. Discover now