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Two more days passed and the gang decided it was now or never. They needed to give that phone to Hyunjin as soon as possible because they were wasting time. Especially with the knowledge that Wooyoung's parents could be hurting him. It made them feel the need to act faster. So with that being said, Seonghwa and Mingi prepared themselves to go to Hyunjin's house.

Out of all of the members, San wanted to go the most. However, it wasn't ideal because he was in an extremely sensitive state.. plus his face was out to the public, which wasn't the best thing. The last thing that any of them wanted was to be recognized as the criminals that "kidnapped" Wooyoung.

"Be careful," Hongjoong stated to the two men before the left through the front door.

Seonghwa took the wheel of their one car as Mingi got into the passengers seat. Mingi held the phone in his hands, inspecting it.

"This thing really only has messages on it," Mingi chuckled actually turning the phone on and investigating the only functioning app.

"Well that's all Woo needs to contact us," Seonghwa hummed.

Mingi nodded and shut the phone off. They sat in silence for a little while, Mingi lost in his thoughts and Seonghwa too focused on the road. To say that both of the men were nervous would be an understatement. They didn't fully plan what they would say when they got to Hyunjin's house. So they honestly were just going to wing it when they got there.

"Is this it?" Seonghwa questioned when he pulled up to a small little house.

"I think so," Mingi replied.

"Okay, let's try to be quick," Seonghwa stated, parking the car on the street and getting out.

"What if his parents open the door?" Mingi panicked.

"Then I'll handle it. Just stay calm," Seonghwa assured the younger man as they made their way to the front door.

Seonghwa raised his hand and knocked. After about a minute, he tried again. He tried a third time and finally he heard the sound of feet running towards the front door.

A panicked looking kid opened the door with a nervous expression before taking in the presence of the two men. His face contorted into a confused expression before muttering out apologies.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were my parents," he chuckled, but then quickly realized his mistake. "I mean- grandparents... my parents are home, yeah!"

Seonghwa grinned at the kid's flustered state. No wonder Wooyoung was friends with him. Both men could already tell that they had similar personalities.

"Wait, who are you guys? Are you friends with my parents? I've never seen you two before. Why are you here?"

"Hyunjin, right?" Seonghwa stepped froward just the slightest bit, which made Hyunjin take a step back.

"H-how do you know my name?" Hyunjin looked like he was about to start shaking out of fear.

"Calm down, kid," Mingi calmly stated, staying in his spot on the porch.

"Who are you and why do you know my name?" Hyunjin raised his voice a bit, trying to get the weird men to answer his questions.

"You're Wooyoung's friend and we-" Seonghwa was cut off.

"How do you know Wooyoung??" Hyunjin's eyes went wide at the mention of his best friend.

"Listen, I'm Seonghwa and this is Mingi. Wooyoung stayed with us and our gang and we are trying to get him back. We don't mean any harm, we just want to get him back. Now before you freak out, he stayed willingly and-"

I got you kid - ateez/woosanWhere stories live. Discover now