Chapter 11

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6 years later


Everything has changed things are not the way they used to be.

Jennie is 21 years now, A college graduate she graduated top of her class.

She studied bussiness adminstration in University, All grown up looking as beautiful as ever.

She is planning to take up a position at the kim-manoban Supermarket as the new MD.

Kia is living his dreams has a soldier, after he graduated from highschool he enrolled in Military Academy he is now a commanding officer in his unit. Mr macro has never been more prouder in his life.

Lisa is living her life well she finished from art school and she is doing good for herself, her grandfather was so proud of Lisa when she told him she wanted to study art in the university.


"Jennie I'm proud so of you" John said.

"Thanks Dad, you saying that means a lot to me" Jennie replied her father happily.

"So that's is why we're going to celebrate your achievement, Marco and I wants to celebrate you and Kia for making us proud" John said.

"We'll do a small party for you guys, Kia will be coming in this weekend for the preparation" he replied Jennie smirking.

"Dad why are you looking at me like that" Jennie replied shyly.

"Well because a bird to me that you and Kia are dating" he replied smiling.

"Haha which bird Dad" Jennie asked her dad.

"Don't worry honey I don't want to bore you with my talk" he replied while walking away.

After the conversation with her Dad she knew exactly why her father said he was proud of her, it's wasn't because of her achievement in school it was because he found out that she and Kia have started dating, she could remember how are father was always pressuring her to go on date's with Kia in the past.

Jennie was deep in thought, she didn't want to tell anyone about her relationship with Kia, she wanted to take her time because everything is kinda new to her.

She didn't really know what she feels for kia, she didn't want to break his heart because he has been there for her. He even safed her life.

"I love Kia but I don't know what is holding me back, I just don't know sometimes I can't pinpoint it" Jennie says thinking aloud.

During the years Lisa and Kia moved apart, he stopped calling and she stopped calling. Everything was going too fast in their lives so they couldn't make out time to talk.

Lisa's POV

I know going back home will bring back so many hurtful memories of my past. But I can't run away from it anymore I have to face them.

Living in Thailand helped me a lot, my grandparents were good to me they showed me how to do better in life, I used to think that they were the bad one's that they didn't want me around because of what happened at first. I used to blame them because I thought they're the ones who booked me for a surgery when I was 13, I didn't know my dad was the one and that they just followed what he said because they thought it was for my best.

When I came to Thailand for the second time my grandparents and I had a long talk, they told me the reason I was sent back to thialand, I was sent back because my evil father booked me for another surgery, I was shocked when they told me because my father never mentioned anything of sort to me.

It pained me that my father didn't consider my own opinion, I tried to understand everything they told that day, they asked if I wanted the surgery but I said no that I would never change anything. That day went into an agreement that we'll tell my father that I went through with the surgery.

My grandparents spoke to the surgeon to convince him not to tell my father that he didn't conduct the surgery has planned.

My stupid father thought I went through with the surgery up until now.

Because of what my grandparents did for me our bond became strong, And my hate for my father became stronger.

It's going to hard coming back to see my family, But I wanted to see my nanny mina so badly because it's been 6 years, 6 years without physical contact she always called me even if Kia and I aren't that close anymore.

I'm sorry for not updating as usual, I had some issues but things are looking up now... I'm going to try to update soon.

I want to thank everyone for reading my story those that voted and even commented.... I want to say I'm grateful I appreciate it and I promise to do more and improve more once again thank you.

Tuned in for more to see how it ends feel free to tell me your thoughts, I will really appreciate that.

I still remain your one and only partyface lol 😁😁 and well to comment and vote.

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