Chapter 3

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"Lisa why did you runoff like that don't you know you're not supposed to live my side in a crowded place like this what were you thinking running off like that do you want to get lost!" Lisa's mom scolded her.

"I'm sorry mom I thought I saw someone I knew but I was wrong, it won't happen next time" Lisa replied her with a pleading voice.

"What if there was no next time lalisa don't do that ever again" Lisa's mom scolded her more.

"I'm sorry mom" Lisa replied sadly to her mom.

"There they're" Lisa's dad called out.

"Lisa meet my business partner and friend Mr Kim" Lisa's father said.

"Nice to meet you Mr Kim" Lisa greeted.

"likewise Lisa" Mr Kim replied.

"Your father has told me a lot about you Lisa, do you know I have a daughter same age as you her name is Jennie" Mr Kim said.

"That's enough John we have a lot to talk about the business proposal and Lisa is not that much of a talker" Marco Manoban interrupted their conversation.

"But lily is still on the phone remember she is also part of this business arrangement" Mr Kim said.

"I know John but we cannot wait for my wife lily to finish her call perhaps I have something important I want to talk to you about" Mr Marco replied.

Lisa lisa kia called.

"I want to introduce you to someone" kia said to Lisa.

they were about leaving the scene when Mr Kim called kia back thanking him again for saving Jennie's life.

"Kia I and my family will not forget what you did for Jennie you saved my only daughter's life and for that I and my family will always be grateful to you and your households" Mr Kim says.

kia couldn't reply immediately he was stun and Lisa couldn't say anything.  

"So Mr Kim is Jennie's father that's why kia said he knew Jennie, they meet at the business date I refused to attend and he said he won't forget that kia saved Jennie, this is a lot harder than I thought" Lisa reasoned in her mind.

Kia's POV

What have I done everyone is calling me the hero when I know I didn't do anything to savage the situation. it was all Lisa's not me I didn't do anything but I couldn't say that out loud I just couldn't the look in my father's eyes, I have always wanted to prove  myself to father that I'm the son he has always wanted I can't go back now Lisa understands I know she does, I know I'm being selfish right now but I can't go back on this it's not my fault they just assumed things.

'Earth to kia' Mr Kim says.

"I'm sorry sir I spaced out and Mr Kim don't take this the wrong way but I was fortunate to be there to save your daughter it could have been anyone in that situation and I beg to take my leave sir" I say to Mr Kim hurriedly.

"You're such a well manned boy, Marco I love that your son is polite ha ha" Mr Kim said cheerfully.

"He took after me" dad replied.

"After all I'm a polite man and that enough talk for now let the kids go john" father said to Mr Kim while smiling.

we were about leaving when father said.

"Kia I'm proud of you".

I know Lisa heard it all I felt bad for her but there is noting I could do, I couldn't say the truth that's for sure.

"Kia who do you want to introduce me to because I want to go back to my room my feet hurts" Lisa said in a sour manner to me.

"Come on I don't want to walk that far just to meet someone" Lisa just continued to complain.

"Lisa stop complaining and where is this girl I told to wait for me here"

"Which girl" Lisa said.

Before I could reply Lisa Jennie hugged me from behind, I don't really know why she is clingy with me.

"jennie this is my sister Lisa the one I told you about"I said politely.

She just looked at Lisa as if they have meet before oh my goodness, what if she really saw Lisa's face that day that means I'm doomed.

"I know you" Jennie said.

Oh my goodness she remembered kia, You're so finished what I'm I gonna do.

"I don't know you" Lisa replied hurriedly.

But Jennie continue speaking, disregarding what Lisa said earlier.

"You're the girl who reached out for me at the church doorway" Jennie spoke.

"I don't know you you" Lisa said again.

"Kia I think I should take my leave I have something to take care of" Lisa said while walking away.

wait! I shouted but was already far from me by then.

I don't know why she is being dismissive.

But I ran towards her to get her attention.

"No kia don't want to be part of your play date with Jennie go have fun you know I'm not cut out for that" Lisa said

"OK I get your point but I just wanted to know if you're angry at me" I asked her.

But she just laughed at me and said no.

Lisa can be weird when she wants to be, and why will Jennie say Lisa reached out for her well I can't dwell on that.

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