Chapter 15

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After she left the dinning room there was tension, Kia was speechless he couldn't utter a word because he was so shocked of Lisa's outburst.

"DAMNIT! how could Lisa speak to her mother like that what's wrong with her, after all the sacrifice we made for her is this how she wants to pay us back. I must get to the bottom of this she didn't even wait to hear what I have to say before she dashed out" Marco said with anger.

Marco manoban was so angry that he didn't notice his wife crying, he angrily left because he was very angry at Lisa.

"Mom everything is going to be alright, I think Lisa is going through something because she looks different, I understand if feels like we abandoned her" Kia says while trying to comfort his mother. "But she is saying the truth Kia, we could have visited her during the holidays or call her constantly, Kia I'm such a bad mother I would have seen it coming" Lily says while crying.

"Lisa what have you done" .

The manoban house was filled with silence, after Lisa's outburst, Marco manoban left for work with anger while Lily went inside her room to rest. Kia went to see Jennie because the silence in the house was killing him.

Few hours later

"Kia what are you doing here" Jennie was surprised to see Kia sitting in her sitting room,
"I just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend this lovely morning" he said while Jennie smiled. "Come and sit with your handsome boyfriend" he continued.

But Jennie was still very surprised with his visit because she thought he was supposed to spending time with Lisa. "But are you supposed to be spending time with your sister?" she asked looking at him suspiciously while she sat close to him.

"Well as you can see I'm right here and not with my sister" he replied trying to stop Jennie from been too suspicious. "But I thought you were supposed to be with her since she is back" she asked again.

"What if I don't want to spend time with her" Kia replied slightly angry. "I'm sorry if I offended you by asking I'm just trying to be caring" Jennie replied sadly.

"I'm sorry Jennie it's just I'm stressed, Lisa did the unspeakable today I'm still trying to understand the whole scene, it's was quick, it's was like a haze" he spoke sadly. "How come what did she do?" Jennie asked looking tensed.

"It's a long story Jennie" he replied worriedly. "come on Kia I'm your girlfriend and also kind of part of your family, I also care about you and if you don't tell me how can I help you, you know I'm good when it's comes to advice" Jennie tired to reply cheerful.

But Kia felt unease he was afraid of reveal Lisa's health condition to Jennie, he couldn't help himself, he had to stand up from the sofa because he was sweating.

"It's okay Kia, I understand if you can't tell me" she said to Kia.

But Jennie was very anxious to hear what Kia had to say but then again she didn't want to be selfish, she stood up and hugged Kia from behind.

"It's going to be alright, she is going to come around and everything is going to be fine" she said smiling at him.

"You're too optimistic Jennie and I love that about you, I'm so damn lucky to have someone like you in life" Kia said smiling.

"Awww you're making me blush" she replied blushing.

Meanwhile Lisa was in her room staring at the window, she felt bad for the outburst but it was meant to happen one way or another. She knew that her parents were super angry with her, but she was trying to fit things together she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone, just wanted to be independent and live her life without anyone telling her what to do.

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