Chapter 4

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   Jennie's POV

My whole body aches I feel pains everywhere my eye lid was heavy so I moved my hand instead that was when someone call for a doctor I couldn't recognized the voice, I panicked when I discovered I was in a hospital bed I was fully awake by then.

I saw my parent's and Mr manoban and his son kia standing at the edge of the room looking worried, My mom looked pale and I knew that I was the reason she is was like that.

"She is fine the doctor announced" after he examined me.

"Just give her the drugs I prescribed and there is no internal damage she is a very lucky girl I must confess,  She is free to go but make sure she rest after taking her medication" the doctor said.

"How are you doing" Mom asked worriedly.

"I'm fine I just feel pains a little" I replied looking down at my hands because I was afriad of what might happen next, because I knew my father hated situation like this, he warned me in the past to be more careful.

"Who brought me there" I asked my Mom.

"It was kia and some security men" Mom replied.

When we were talking someone walked in.

"How is she" he asked.

"She is alright " Mom replied.

"Jennie he is one of the security guard who brought you in" Mom said.

"Thank you sir for saving my life" I greeted him.

But he smiled and replied.

"I wasn't the one who saved you that young man over there did" then he pointed at Kia.

"He saved you if not you would have been dead by now" He said.

" What did you mean by that".

that was when I heard my father's voice.

"What did you mean by that my father asked the security guard again.

"Well sir there was a pit in the garden".

The security guard continued speaking.

"The management was doing some renovation in the garden so you see he saved her before she could enter the pit he was the real hero and not me" the security guard said.

"What happened Jennie" father asked.

"I fell" I replied my father hurriedly.

"Tell us how you fell" he pressed for more details but I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth.

"I slipped" I replied hurriedly.

"Why did you slip" he pressed.

"I was clumsy" I replied with a shaking voice.

"Stop it John she is just a little girl don't be hard on her" mom said.

"I'm not been hard on her she should grow up" father replied bitterly to mom.

"I'm sorry" that's all i could say at that time.

"it's ok Jennie" Mr Marco reasoned.

"Thank you kia for saving my life" I told him.

"It's noting Jennie just get well soon" he replied.

"My son is a hero" his father beamed.

"I'm so proud of you son" Mr Marco said.

"Me too" father commented.

I'm glad I'm alive, I owe that to kia and I couldn't tell father the truth that I fell because i was reaching for a flower he'll get angry at me more.

It's been three days since the incident occurred, I have recovered fully I don't feel pains like before, kia has been coming around to cheer me up, he is very nice to be around with.

Kia visited and we were having a conversation.

"Will you come to service tomorrow" I asked him.

"Yes I will" he replied.

"I want to go to the play ground and I want you to come with me and you can come with your sister that you always talk about" I told him.
"Really Jennie I'm glad you want to meet her she is very nice" kia boosted about his sister.
"Just bring her" I told him.

The next day

Father left for the church program without Mom and I.

The church program was a short one.

The preacher man talked about love I did love the preaching.

"Mom why did father left without us this morning" I asked.

"I don't know Jennie maybe he meet up with Mr manoban" she replied while walking towards the doorway.

I was close to the doorway when someone reached out to me I didn't know the person I told her to let me go that I didn't know her, the moment I said that her content changed, Was she expecting me to know her it was confusing for me but the girl seemed worried.

"Jennie come here" mom called for me so I left the scene.

"Who was that mom asked" I don't know her I said.

I was at the other side of the playing ground when I saw kia with a girl that must be his sister they were having a conservation.

So I hugged kia from behind because I wanted to surprise him.

"Jennie meet my sister Lisa" kia said.

But I was surprised to see her again, this the same girl from the doorway, I couldn't keep it in so I said.

"I know you" I told her.

"You were the girl who reached out to me at the church doorway" I said.

"I don't know you" she replied nonchalantly.

I wanted to say more but she walked away.

Kia followed her but returned shortly afterwards.

"I thought you said your sister was nice" I reminded him.

"I'm sorry Jennie she is just tired maybe she will play with us some other time" he said.

"OK" I reason with him.

"But your sister is kinda weird" I told him.

But he just laughed.

"You're too funny Jennie let just play" Kia said.

Well I won't dwell on what just happened maybe she wasn't the one who reached out for me at the church doorway.

This is my first time writing a story I really need your comment and vote as a form of inspiration, thank you for reading.

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