Chapter 8

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Jennie's POV

I felt unease during the car ride, Mom hasn't call me like this before she seems worried.

"What could be the problem?".

I hurried out of the car when the car came to halt.

I could hear voices coming from the sitting-room... I hurriedly walked in to know what was happening, when I got closer I saw my parents having an argument and this rarely happens.

"What could be the problem?."

"John How Could You Treat Me This Way, After All The Sacrifices I Have Made For You! How Could You Betray Me This Way, I Thought You Said You Loved Me But Then You Cheated On Me With My Maid And Got Her Pregnant, And Now You Want Me To Forgive You, Do Think That lowly Of Me, I Hold no Grudge With This Child But With You, How Could You?".

I rushed to my Mom's side when I saw her state she was so pale, I think she has been crying.

"Dad what happened? Why is Mom in this state" I asked worriedly because she looked wore out and pale.

"Jennie it's not what you think, this is Kelly your brother from other woman, it's not what you think Jennie it happened a long time ago before you were even conceived" he said sorrowfully.

That was when I noticed a young boy standing close to my father, he looked like he is in his late teen's because he looked older than me.

My father looked different right now... he is not the strict man I use to see, All I see now is a vulnerable man in front of me begging for forgiveness.

I couldn't say anything, I was so shocked to reply my father.

"You Cheated On Me 'john' And Noting Can Change That!" Mom spoke angrily with tears in her eye's.

"I Know And I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me 'Isabel' I Didn't Meant For This To Happen, I Was Drunk And Vulnerable And She Was There To Comfort Me... It Just Happened. You Remembered You Left Me After The Fight And I Was Sad And Angry At Myself Because We Were Yet To Have A Child, I Felt Sad 'Isabel' And Things Were Complicated Then...I Didn't Know That Night Resulted To Her Pregnancy. She Didn't Tell She Was Pregnant I Just Found Out Yesterday" Father Says Pleading For Mom's Forgiveness.

"Tell Me John, Where Is 'Ashely' I Want To See Her, I Want Her To Tell Me What Happened! I Trusted Her With Everything How Could She Betrayal Me Like This, I Disobeyed My Family Just To Be With You 'John'
And This Is How You Repay Me, Do You Know I Have Not Spoken To My Family For The Pasted 18 Years! Because Of You?".

"So that's why I haven't seen any member of mom's family because they were against their union".

"Isabel Calm Down Let Me Explain Please".

"No I don't Want To Hear Your Explanation".

"I felt sad seeing my parents argue like this, I felt useless I couldn't do anything nor say anything. My Thought was cut short when I heard someone spoke".

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