Chapter 12

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Jennie POV

The Party Celebration

I was at the balcony sipping my wine when i heard footsteps, I had to turn to see the person who was walking towards my direction.

Then I saw Kia walking towards me smiling, he was wearing a blue suit and his hair was straightened he looked handsome I must confess.

"Jennie you look so stunning I'm so proud and happy that I'm your boyfriend" he spoke jockingly.

I couldn't help but blush he always as a way of making smiling.

"Oh smile for me beautiful one I'm so happy that I'm the reason why you're smiling" he spoke smirking.

Kia moved forward and tired to kiss me but I refused.

"I'm sorry Kia I'm not ready yet, hope I didn't upset you" I plead with him.

"No Jennie you didn't, I understand that you're not ready and I can never get angry with you, I promise I'll wait until you're ready" Kia said kindly trying to reassure me.

But I knew deep down that he was sad I could see it in his eyes.

"Jennie I know you have been distancing yourself from me is it because of what I did, I'm sorry I couldn't keep it to myself I was so happy that you finally said yes to me, I know you told me not to tell anyone yet but I couldn't hold myself and I know that's the reason you're acting strange towards me since I came back. Even tonight you were not by my side, Jennie this party is for us our parents wanted to celebrate our achievement in life at least be enthusiast for once and join in the celebration" he said.

"I'm sorry Kia there is a lot on my mind lately and I'm not angry that you told my father about us" I said trying to reassure him.

"Oh you're not, here I thought you were angry and that's the reason why you weren't talking to me" he spoke jockingly.

"Since you're not angry at me let us go inside and join the others" he said to me with a warm smile.

As we were about entering the living room I heard a voice that I haven't heard for year's.

Kia was the first one to speak.

"Lisa is this really you" he said while walking close to her.

"You didn't tell us you were coming back to Korea and where are your luggages tell me Lisa when did you returned" Kia said surprisingly.

He continue to speak because he was shocked but also happy to meet his sister again I could see it in his reaction.

"But you would have at least called so that I could have picked you up from the airport" he said as he approached her.

Lisa couldn't do anything but stare amused, she was becoming the center of attraction in the party because everyone was staring at her.

Mr Marco had to come to her Lisa's recuse because he saw that she couldn't speak up at once so he had to step in.

"Kia stop bombarding your sister with many questions as you can see she just arrived and she wanted to surprise us with her presence's so let her be, Everyone I want to introduce you to my lovely daughter Lisa manoban who just came back from Thailand" he said happily.

And everyone cheer to his anoucement because someone people here doesn't  know about Lisa.

I was surprised to see her, I knew at some point she would come back but I wasn't expecting it to be this early.

Kia left my side because he was called by his father because he wanted to introduce him to someone he knows from military.

That's was when Kelly approached me but to be sincere I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because my mind was all over the place and because I was busy staring at Lisa manoband.

I won't lie Lisa was looking so beautiful, she was wearing a plain t-shirt and black pants, she was dressed casual but she looked so flawless.

I couldn't help but stare a little, she is currently chatting with her nanny and was smiling at what nanny mina was saying, oh my goodness that smile can make a sad baby smile.

"Jennie did you heard what I just said" Kelly asked me frowning.

"Sorry what did you say" I asked him.

"I said that I didn't know that Kia had a sister because nobody talked about her" he said.

"Yea that's true she left for Thailand when we were younger that's why" I told him.

"And wow she is so pretty, how could you forget to tell me about such an angel, she is my type of woman do you think she will like to go out with me like a date" Kelly asked curiously.

I couldn't help but laugh at what he asked

"Why are laughing at me Jennie, this is isn't funny... I think I'm in love this is like love at first sight I swear" Kelly said seriously.

I was surprised with this outburst, it's like this night is filled with surprises.

"Kelly stop saying things that you're not sure of" I replied looking at him closely.

"I'm dead serious Jennie I like her and I want to see how it goes with her" he replied with dreaming eyes.

"Kelly Lisa isn't into guys" I told him so that he won't get his hopes up.

"Why will you say that" he asked curious.

"Well when we were younger she kissed a girl" I told him.

"Lol Jennie that was a long time ago, she was young then and that was a long time ago" he said laughing.

"Well I'm just telling you as my brother because I don't want to see you heartbroken just be careful though" I told him.

"Thanks baby sister, I have a feeling that she will fall me cause I'm handsome, nice, gentle and the ladies love me" he said jockingly.

"Okay brother do whatever you want I'll always support you" I said to him smiling.

"Thanks Jennie and I think I'll need a refill, see you around sis" he said and left.

I was so surprised of what Kelly said, like he just met her and he is falling in love already.

Like who does that, I didn't want to discourage him. he should do whatever he wants to do. I have tried my best by advising him.

Lol I'm back.... Please read and comment, tell me if I made any mistakes.

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