Chapter 13

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Jennie's POV

I was feeling pressed so I decide to go upstairs to ease myself.

After I finished from the restroom on my way out I saw that Lisa's bedroom door was open, I was surprised because before I left for the restroom she was downstairs having a conversation with nanny mina.

I swear I saw her downstairs or maybe someone from the party is being adventurous, I think I should check it out to know what's is happening inside.

Before I knew it I was standing at the doorway staring at someone back, from the look of things it's was Lisa standing inside the room, I was about walking away when she called me back.

"Jennie is nice meeting you" she said turning around to look at me.

I was surprised that she knew me without seeing my face at first, out of curiosity I asked her.

"How did you know that I was the one" I asked with curiosity.

"I know it's you because of your scent" she replied smiling.

"Oh is it that obvious" I asked.

"Yes" Lisa replied.

"I see that you didn't change your perfume"
She said again.

"Yes I didn't change my perfume but how did you know" I asked amused.

"Well let's just say I have a good nose" she replied smiling.

It's been 6 years how could she remember my scent, we are not even close, how is that even possible.

"Jennie are you alright" Lisa asked with concerned laced in her voice.

"Sorry I spaced out, well your room is very beautiful" I tried to change the topic.

"Really" she asked.

"Yes" I replied her.

"Well nanny Mina did a good job in keeping it cleaned up" she replied smiling while staring at the four corners of the room.

"Just as I left it" she said.

"Yea your room is beautiful I didn't know you knew how to draw" I said as I stared at the paintings on the wall.

"You can come inside if you really want to have a good look" she said.

"Thanks" I replied.

With her permission I was inside her room staring at the paintings on the wall.

There was one painting that really got my eyes, I couldn't help but stare harder it's like I'm trying to remember something, the painting feels so familiar.

"It's feels like I have seen this painting before" I thought.

I couldn't help but asked her about the painting.

"Why did you paint this" I said while pointing at the painting.

"Well let just say that I was in a haze when I did that, I guess I was just being creative" she replied looking at the other side of the room with a sad expression.

Mere looking at her I remembered our first encounter at the church doorway, which she refused not knowing anything about.

The painting and her expression are the same, I had to change the topic again because this is the first time I'm actually having a real conversation with Lisa manoban.

"Do you still painting" I asked.

"Yes I do, that's what I studied in University" she said trying to smiling at me.

"Why did you asked" she said.

"Because with what I'm seeing here you're really talented, and I also love art" I replied smiling.

"Really" she said looking at me.

"Yes I do maybe one of these days you'll draw me a portrait" I said smiling.

"It will be a honor my lady" she said trying to gesticulate.

I couldn't help but laugh because it was funny.

"Ha ha you really funny Lisa" I said.

"Thanks for the compliment" she said while smiling.

Our conversation was cut short when my phone started ringing.

"Sorry I have to go my mom is calling me" I said while walking out.


I stopped when Lisa called my name.

"It's nice talking to you" she said.

"Likewise" I replied her smiling.

Our conversation was very easy, I felt free like I wasn't pressurized to reply it was so natural.

"Jennie Jennie I have been calling you what's wrong with you, since you came back from the restroom you have been acting weird" Mom said.

"Ha ha mom while will say such a thing about your daughter" I replied her smiling.

I'm currently sitting beside my mom in the party.

The party was very classy, the music playing in the background was very low and few people were dancing while some were having a conversation, others were sitting just like my mom and I, it wasn't a boring party but it's those kind of rich people association talking about business blah blah.

"Well is true you have been spacing out and smiling a lot" she said.

"Tell me something did Kia propose already" she asked smiling.

I was shocked at mother's question, we just started dating is not even up to 2 months and she is already saying all of this.

"No" I replied bluntly because I was kind of irritated with the question she asked just now.

"Did I offend you Jennie? But it's meant to happen at a point in time in your relationship with Kia, I know he loves you so much and he will take good care of you and it will also help the family business" she said.

Family business, what about my happiness.

A lot of things was going through my mind, The reason why I'm dating Kia is because I love him right? not because he saved my life when we were younger.

The truth is Kia saving my life when we were younger made our bond stronger, the first day we met we talked but I never felt anything strong for him until that faithful day he saved my life.

I don't even know the reason why I'm dating Kia, I'm so confused at first that was what I wanted in highschool but now I don't know anymore.

"Jennie darling I'm sorry for what I just said, I thought you might be having such thought towards Kia, because I know you love him I see how you looked at him those days when he comes to visit" she said trying to cheer me up.

"I know Mom you shouldn't apologize I'm not angry it just came as a shock to me that you said such a thing so early because we just started dating" I told her.

"Ok darling I understand, you are still young you have your whole life ahead just make the right decision when is time" she said.

"I will Mom I promise to always make you and dad proud" I told her.

"I believe you Jennie, remember this Jennie I love so much and nothing can change that" she said smiling.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling because those words melted my heart when she said it.

"I love you so much too Mom" I replied smiling.

I couldn't help myself so I hugged my mother.

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