Chapter 6

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It's been a week since the manoban returned from their business trip, things hasn't been going well for them as family because of recent development.

Mr macro and his wife was sitting in the sitting-room when he brought the topic about sending Lisa to Thailand.

"I think it's best for Lisa to go stay with my parents in Thailand" Mr macro told his wife lily.

"I don't like the idea of sending our daughter away, she needs our love and care right now macro I don't want her to see her self has a push over, you remembered what happened the last time and I don't want her to feel like I'm neglecting her" lily commented.

"She is going to Thailand and that's final" Marco says.

"But" lily was about saying something but marco cut her off.

"No but lily it's final Lisa is going to Thailand to live with my parents and that's final".

He left the sitting room out burstingly.

Mr macro went to see Lisa in her bedroom later that evening to discuss with her because she was recently discharged from the hospital.

"What is it father" Lisa asked.

"Lisa it's about your health I think it's best for you returned to Thailand for more medical treatment" her father told her.

"But I'm fine dad the doctor said it's normal for me to have issues like this there is noting to worry about" she told her father.

"No Lisa this isn't normal and it will never be, I don't want to the public to find out about your condition I can't risked the public knowing that you were born differently, it will be bad for my reputation and that of the company, don't you understand" he says sadly.

Lisa was so sad hearing her father utter such words.

"But I'll be lonely over there" she told her father almost at the verge of crying.

"Come on Lisa you're a big girl you can cope" he told her.

"Did mom agree to this" she asked.

"Yes your mom did you know she always wants what's best for you".

"But I know what's best for me and going to Thailand it's not it, I know what I want father and I don't want to go Thailand please".

"You're going and that's final the doctors there are better".

"But we can look for a more better doctor here, please father I don't want to go please".

"You're leaving Lisa and that's final get your luggage's ready because you're leaving next week".

Lisa was in tears right now begging her father.

"You don't love me you resent me I don't know what I did to be treated like this" she says sadly.

"I don't hate you all I'm doing is for your own good so don't tell me I hate you because you know noting" he said angrily and left.

Lisa cried all through the night until she later fell asleep.

When she woke up the next day, she went to her nanny and told her everything.

"Nanny I think it's for the better I left for Thailand because it's seems I'm not wanted here, how can my parents send me away because of my condition, they don't want their reputation damaged" she said while crying.

"Stop it Lisa your parents loves you, you're just too young to understand"

"No they don't because if they truly love they won't try to send me away"

"Don't think that way Lisa, all will be fine"

"No it won't be fine and you know that, Nanny if I get to leave I won't come back to this house" Lisa says angrily.

"Don't say those type of things Lisa, they're your family no matter what happens" nanny says to Lisa.

"Nanny promise me you'll call me every week because I'm going to miss you a lot".

"I promise Lisa I'm going to call you every week" her nanny told her.

After the conversion with her nanny she was feeling a little bit relaxed about the whole situation.

Lisa was in the kitchen when her brother approached her.

"Lisa is it true, are you leaving me?"
Kia asked his sister angrily.

"You promised me you won't leave what happen Lisa why did you change your mind".

"It's not my fault kia, father wants me to be treated outside the country, he thinks it's best for me kia" Lisa replied.

"But we can look for a more a better doctor here in Korea".

"I told father the same thing but he doesn't want to listen to me" Lisa says.

"What if I talk to father instead maybe he will listen to me" kia suggested.

"Don't bother he won't listen" Lisa replied.

"Come on Lisa let me try he might listen to me".

"I said don't bother! He doesn't listen to anyone but himself" so don't bother.

"I get it Lisa I won't asked him, when will you be leaving" he asked worriedly.

"Next week and I'm sorry I shouted at you I'm just stress and the medication isn't helping" Lisa says.

The atmosphere was very tense for the both of them.

"I think our parents don't want me around".

"Don't say that Lisa they love us equally".

"No I'm the abnormal one that's why they're sending me away and you're the normal one".

"No Lisa don't say that" kia replied.

Lisa left the room angrily and didn't say anything to kia.

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