Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

It's been three days since the incident occurred it's till very fresh in my memory I can still feel the hurt but I don't know why I feel hurt in the first place she is just a girl I saved maybe I feel this way because of my brother's betrayal. Or maybe because I'm an abnormal being. Being this way isn't easy for me, I mean being intersex isn't maybe no one will truly love me....I can't wait for this business trip to be over.


I was walking around the garden in the hotel my parents and I were staying at I was tired of staying indoor and I wanted to tour around the hotel vicinity. That was when I saw a pretty girl reaching for a flower at first the site was amusing but then something unpleasant happened, she reached too much for the flower and fell. Because the flower was beyond her reach the awful part was that her body was rolling towards a pit and no one was around to savage the situation but I helped her before she could enter the pit and she became unconscious at that time because of the fall. I tried to wake her up but she wasn't responding during the process my brother came. He told me knew her from the business date he went with father yesterday that I should go get help, I did what he told me to do but before I got back there was no one there so I went to check the hotel hospital, when I got there they were singing praises to my brothers name he just stood there and said noting...I felt betrayed but I couldn't do anything he was indeed my blood brother I couldn't say anything so I left and went back to my hotel room.

Flashback ends

Should I continue writing this story comment and vote please thank you.

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