Chapter 2

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"Lisa talk to me please it's been three days since the incident happened you haven't left your room or are you sick again should I call mom" kia says.

"Is it because of what happened with Jennie tell me Lisa please" he asked.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to take credit for what you did they just assumed that I was the hero I couldn't do anything the look in father's eyes was priceless, he was so proud of me I could feel it. Did you know what he told me?, he said I will be a great soldier in the future. You know it has always been my dream to follow after father's footsteps, Don't worry they will forget this whole incident soon they won't talk about it when we get home, remember we are still young after a while they'll gonna forget" kia says with a pleading expression.

"Please understand I just couldn't say anything they were so proud of me Lisa" kia said.

"Please don't tell this to mom and dad please Lisa" he pleaded again.

"Why are you crying Lisa" kia asked worriedly.

"Tell me I will understand" he said.

"I just wanna go back home I miss nanny mina I don't like it here" Lisa replied sadly.

Ha ha kia laughed at Lisa.

"You're so girly you're homesick is that why you've been acting this way don't worry dad said we're only staying for a week and all, Come to think of it you're always hiding inside" kia said jokingly.

"No I'm not I just don't feel well that's why but I'm fine now don't worry about me I'll be fine" Lisa replied.

"And I won't say anything because you're not only my blood brother but also my twin brother and I love you so much kia so don't worry I'll take this to my grave and nobody will hear about this" Lisa said reassuring Kia.

"I know you don't want to be a soldier so tell me what do you want to be in the future" kia asked Lisa.

"I've  always wanted to become an artist and do photography too but I don't know if father will like that" Lisa said.

"Why don't you want to follow after father's footsteps like me" kia asked.

"You know father always see's me as a weakling and I don't like those type of things" Lisa replied.

"Remember this Lisa don't give up on what you want in life always follow your heart no matter what and fight for what you believe in" kia says.

"Thank you brother" Lisa replied cheerfully.

Lisa's POV

I wish I could tell him I'm not homesick but I can't, I don't wanna hurt his feels he has always been there for me.

Today i decided to go outside because mother said she wanted to visit the church they are having a program, kia left with dad so it was just I and mom we were sitting at the front roll of the church, I couldn't understand what the preacher was saying it was funny to me maybe because I wasn't paying attention, The church was a big place that was all I understand at that moment on.

It happened again!.

Is this a dream!, Jennie was sitting at back roll not too far from me and she was smiling. That site alone warmed my heart she is fine and she is alright. A thought crossed my mind maybe she might remember me I thought to myself, After the service I hurried out my mom was surprise but I didn't care at all, All I wanted was to see her at that time so I waited by the doorway, She was with an older woman maybe that was her mother, I didn't careless I just wanted her to see me.

She was wearing a yellow sundress I can see her vividly now because was close to me now I couldn't take it anymore so I reached for her hand and smiled at her but she looked at me as if I was crazy. My hope was crushed she didn't remember me I felt so hurt deep down but I couldn't admit it to myself.

She said "why are you holding my hand I don't know you let me go" all I could do was to say sorry.

Stupid me she was unconscious she couldn't have remembered me I was relying on hope but hope failed me today then came the pain, will she ever know I was the one who truly saved her.

I hope you're right kia I hope I forget too.

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