Chapter 9

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Lisa's POV

I don't know what to do, I'm going back to Thailand again? It's beautiful over there and no doubt about that it's just I'm going to miss my brother, nanny Mina and my beautiful room, I'm going to miss everything here expect my parents.

There were never around, sometimes I feel like they don't even love me, their absence gets to me a lot. I would say my relationship with my parents is kinda complicated, I don't know if 'kia' feels the same maybe it's just me, I don't even understand anymore?.

"Lisa are you going to stare at your meal all day, please eat something" Nanny said.

I forgot that I was in kitchen with my nanny eating, sometimes I wonder how my mind works.

"I'm sorry Nanny Mina I just have a lot on my mind" I replied weakly.

"Tell me child what is the matter, are you worried about your trip? Or is it something else, you know you can tell me anything".

"No Nanny it's not about the trip" I lied the is that truth I don't want her to worried about me all the time, she has her own life to live.

"OK tell me what's the problem is, oh I know" she laughed at me mischievously.

I was forced to laugh I didn't know what she was thinking inside her head, so I decided to play along.

"Nanny what are you in-applying" I laughed.

"Well the other day I saw the kiss you and Irene shared, is that why you are like this, do you like her?" She asked smiling.

"Yes that's why I'm like this, that was my first kiss and I was expecting it to happen so sudden, she took me unaware and that made me nervous. I replied smiling slightly.

That's was kinda true though, she took me unaware, the truth is I have forgotten about the 'kiss' I didn't even remembered it happened with everything going on with me lately.

"Ah ah little Lisa has a crush" Nanny whisper yelled.

All did was laugh because I know I don't have feeling for 'Irene' I see like my sister, but I don't want kill the vibe cause it's seems like Nanny Mina is enjoying the conversation.

"OK you caught me there I won't lie she is pretty though" I said laughing.

"Lisa got a girlfriend, Lisa got a girlfriend" Nanny sing song.

I laughed so hard, it's been long since I felt this way you know just laughing with the people your love, having fun with noting to worry about.

"What do you think of your brother and miss Jennie's relationship" she asked staring at me.

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