Chapter 5

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Lisa's POV

"Finally! We're home" shut up Lisa.

"I'm sorry kia I'm just happy that we're back home sweet home" I replied smiling.

"Nanny mina I'm back!" I shouted.

"I'm in the kitchen Lisa over here" she replied.

"Nanny I missed you" I said.

"How have you been did you miss me too" I asked excitedly, but my excitement died when she asked about my trip.

"I'm fine Lisa and I did miss you how was your trip" she asked.

"It was fine" I told her.

"But you look gloomy are sure you're fine, you know you can tell me anything right" she told me.

I was about answering her when I heard my name.

"Nanny let's talk later I think kia needs my help with the luggage's, but I promise you we'll talk later" I told her.

"OK if you say so" she replied.

"Kia why did you called me" I asked him.

"Sorry Lisa I just need your help with the luggage's" he said.

"Oh ok but where is mom and dad" I asked him.

"They got called in something urgent happened in the office that needed their attention" he said to me.

After we carried the luggage's inside I went straight to my bedroom, I was too tired to eat so I slept in early. The journey was too far and I hate long car ride but any ways I have to rest.

The next day

I woke up late the next day, when I went down stair's I did not see nor hear anyone's voice, the house was so quiet.

"Nanny! Where is everyone" I asked.

"Everyone went out, your parents went to the office and has for kia he went on a play date, it's already noon Lisa it seems you enjoyed your sleep" she playful asked.

"I did but you didn't wake me up" I told her.

"Sorry I just wanted you to rest I know you hate long car ride and you looked exhausted that's why I didn't wake you up Lisa" She said.

"it's OK nanny I just want to eat" I told her.

"It's OK Lisa I already made pancakes" she says.

After I finished my lunch I left to take my bath, And after that i met up with nanny to finish our conversation as I promised yesterday.

"So tell me Lisa how was your trip" she asked again.

"It was fine I stayed indoors most of the days" I replied.

"So do you mean to tell me that nothing exciting or adventurous happened come on tell me Lisa" she insisted.

I didn't want to tell her because I didn't want feel like I betrayed my brother, but she is someone I cared for, Moreover kia said I shouldn't tell mom and dad he didn't say I shouldn't tell nanny.

"Yes something happened nanny I saved someone's life" I told her.
"Who" She asked.

"It was a girl I saw at the garden" I told her.

I told her everything that happened but I couldn't tell her the whole thing about kia taking the credit for what I did.

"So she didn't thank you for saving her life and do your parents know about this" she asked.

"No they don't and please don't tell them I don't want them to scold me" I told her.

"Come here Lisa I'm so proud of you, you're my hero" she told me.

I won't lie those words melted my heart she made me feel special today and I'm so happy, now I know why kia didn't say the truth because having someone tell you they're proud of you means a lot, the feeling is out of this world.

After the conversion with nanny I went to the game room to play game, few hours into the game I heard some noise so decided to check it out.

When I came out I saw kia and Jennie laughing, I felt sad i felt angry this was the first time in my life I was having mixed feeling.

When Kia noticed my presence he reached out to me.

"Lisa come sit with us" kia called.

"I don't want to" I told him.

"Kia I think your sister doesn't like me" Jennie says to kia.

"She likes you she is just tired that's all" he told her.

I couldn't reply her so I left, maybe I don't like her that's why I feel this way towards her. Just maybe.

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